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Kerry ......crotchet snout



I am struggling to crotchet this snout. As I am a new by I don’t quite get it. It is crotchet in the oval.

1. make a chain of 9

2. 6sc, 3sc in the next sc, 6sc, 3sc (18)

3. 6sc, inc in the next 3sc, 6sc, inc in the next 3sc (24)

4. 7sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, 7sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc (30)

5-7 sc round

hoping Someone can help with diagrams please. I understand that you use the top of the chain and the bottom and I’m assuming the 3inc is on the ends but just can’t make it work.

thank you for your help.

cheers Mareese

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I agree with BGS on the clearer re-write of what the pattern said, but I think the original chain count is off, I believe it should be 8 not 9.  Normally for an oval's round 1 you make the first corner-turn stitches all in the last chain (so, top and bottom of that chain all at the same time) before working back in the unused loops of the rest of the chains, to the beginning point. 

Pattern says:     row 1. make a chain of 9     row 2. 6sc, 3sc in the next sc, 6sc, 3sc (18)  

The following will get you to a stitch count of 18 in an oval.

Normally if you chain x, and turn and work a row of SC, you skip the first chain from the hook to create a a turning chain and then proceed to make SCs across.

If you chain 9, skip the first chain and make the first SC in the second chain from the hook as usual, plus 5 more for a total of 6 SC, you have skipped ch#1 and used chains 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 to make the 6 SCs called for.  You have 2 chains left, you should have only 1 - I think the pattern should have said to chain 8, not 9.

If you chain 8, skip the first chain and sc across 6, you have 1 chain remaining; put 3 SC into that last chain (#8) to turn the corner.  (so far, you have 9 SC created, and 6 SC 'undersides' and the turning chain left)

Then, work 1 SC across the next 6 SC undersides, and turn the other corner by making 3 SC into the turning chain.  You have just made another 9, for a total of 18.

Another way to look at it - you chained 8.  You made a SC into the top and bottom of the middle 6 chains, so that's 12 SC.  You made 3 SC each into the first and last chain, so that's another 6, and 12+6=18 SC.


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 I got my hook and yarn out.  I needed 9 chains to work row as I wrote it out above.  sc in 2nd ch from hook used 2 chains, sc in next 6 ch used 6 chains, 3 sc in last ch uses 1 ch for a total of 9 chains

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