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Help with a pattern



I am working on a wrap and I am really stuck. I’m working ARAN TOGGLE Wrap

i can not figure out what I am suppose  to do. I’m confused

Shape back neck
Row 39: Work Row 3 on next 70 sts, turn.
Row 40-44: Working on 70 sts only for Back, repeat Rows 2-3. Do not fasten off.
Row 1: Skip next 32 sts along Row 38. Join second ball of yarn in next st, ch 1, sc in next st, hdc in next st, *Bpdc in next st, Fpdc in next st; repeat from * across to last st; Bpdc around ch-2, turn – 46 sts (including the ch-1). Rows 2, 4 and 6: Work as established to last 2 sts before hdc, hdc in next st, sc in next st, turn.
Rows 3, 5 and 7: Slip st in sc, sc in hdc, hdc in next st, work as established across, turn – 38 sts including the slip st.

Fasten off.
Ch 39. (Note: if you work into the “bumps” on the wrong side of the ch instead of into the front of the ch, you can ch 38 here and ch 4 instead of 5 on Rows 3 and 5.)
Row 1 (WS): Slip st in 2nd ch from hook and in next ch,
sc in next ch, hdc in next ch, dc in each of the next 34 ch, turn – 38 sts.
Rows 2 and 4: Ch 2, skip first st, *Fpdc in next dc, Bpdc in next dc; repeat from * to last st before hdc, Fpdc in next st, Bpdc in hdc, Fpdc in sc, hdc in next slip st, sc in last slip st, turn.
Rows 3 and 5: Ch 4 5, slip st in 2nd ch from hook and
in next ch, sc in next ch, hdc in next ch, Fpdc in next sc, Bpdc in next hdc, *Fpdc in next st, Bpdc in next st, Repeat from * across, turn.
Row 6: Ch 2, skip first st, *Fpdc in next dc, Bpdc in next dc; repeat from * to last st before hdc, Fpdc in next st, Bpdc in hdc, Fpdc in sc, hdc in next slip st, sc in last slip st,– 46 sts.
Fasten off.
Return to Row 44 of Back Neck to work across all sts and join for Left Side.
Row 45: Work as established for 70 sts, ch 32, Fpdc in sc, Bpdc in hdc, *Fpdc in next st, Bpdc in next st; repeat from * across; turn.
Row 46: Work as established, working dc in each ch, across, turn – 148 sts. Place marker after 74th st for center of Shoulder.
Row 47: Ch 2, skip first st, *Bpdc in next st, Fpdc in next st; repeat from * across to last st; Bpdc around ch-2, turn. Row 48: Ch 2, skip first st, *Fpdc in next st, Bpdc in next st; repeat from * across to last st; Fpdc around ch-2, turn.
Row 49: Ch 1, sc in each st, turn.
Row 50: Ch 3 (count as dc), skip first st, dc in next st, *skip next 3 sts, tr in next st, dc in each skipped st working behind tr just made; repeat from * to marker for Front, [skip next st, dc in next 3 sts, working in front of 3 dc just made, tr in skipped st] to last 2 sts, dc in 2 sts for Back, turn. Row 51: Ch 3, skip first st, dc in next st, [skip next st, dc
in each of next 3 dc, working behind 3 dc just made, tr in skipped st] across to marker for Back, [skip next 3 sts, tr in next st, dc in each of the 3 sts skipped in front of the tr just made] to last 2 sts, dc in 2 dc, turn.
Row 52: Ch 3 (count as dc), skip first st, dc in each st across, turn.
Row 53(WS): Ch 1, sc in first 2 sts, *bobble in next st, sc in next 3 sc; repeat from *, to last 2 sts, bobble in next st, sc in top of beginning ch, turn.
Row 54: Ch 3 (count as dc), skip first st, dc in each st across, turn.
Row 55: Ch 1, sc in first 4 sts, *bobble in next st, sc in next 3 sc; repeat from * across, turn.
Rows 56-59: Repeat Rows 52-55.
Rows 60-61: Ch 1, sc in each st, turn.
Rows 62-63: Repeat Rows 50-51.
Row 64: Ch 1, sc in each st, turn.
Row 65: Ch 3, skip first st, dc in each st, turn.
Row 66: Ch 2, skip first st, *Fpdc in next st, Bpdc in next st; repeat from * across to last st; Fpdc around ch-2, turn. Row 67: Ch 2, skip first st, *Bpdc in next st, Fpdc in next st; repeat from * across to last st; Bpdc around ch-2, turn. Row 68-83: Repeat Rows 66-67.
Fasten off.
Row 1: With wrong side facing, join yarn to front edge of Left Front and work in sc evenly around front edge, Back neck and Right Front edge, turn.
Rows 2-4: Ch 1, sc in each sc around, turn.
Round 5 (buttonhole Row): Work in sc to beginning of neck shaping on Right Front edge, ch 3, skip next 3 sc, sc in each of next 5 sc, ch 3, skip next 3 sc, sc to the end, turn to work along bottom edge and sc evenly around bottom and side edges, join with a slip st to first st. Round 6: Ch 1, sc in each st around, join with a slip st to first st.
Round 7: Work reverse sc in each st around join with a slip st to first st.
Fasten off.
Sew buttons opposite buttonholes. Weave in ends.
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15 answers to this question

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Did you look at the diagram of the shape of the wrap, at the very end of the pattern?  It's always a good idea to read through a pattern and review any diagrams before you make your first stitch, especially for a wearable--this will get you oriented, it really helps you understand 'where the pattern is going' before starting it, it will keep you on the right track - like looking at a map before driving to a new-to-you destination.

You started at the bottom of the diagram, working from hem to hem on the right side.  Now, you are going to STOP working ALL the way across and only work from the back of the neck to back hem for a while.

On row 38, you should have ended at the bottom hem.  Up until now you have been working across 148 stitches.  Now on rows 39-44, you will work only up to the back neck, which is 70 stitches.

I suggest that it would be a good idea to mark the neckline edge of row 38, which will be the stitch under/before the last stitch you will make in row 39, because you will be coming to that point later - why do I know this?  Because I read ahead, see I told you it is important to do this.  :wink 

Not being to be 'mean' (tough love, maybe), but I'll stop there.  - I think after finishing the rows for the back neck and it's no longer just a big rectangle, you should be able to tell the front from the back now, and understand the 'why' of what the pattern will be telling you to do from this point forward, so I won't walk you through each of the rows comprising the balance of the wrap.  Do come back if there is a specific point that is unclear, tho.

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I will say that the fact that this is a garment made vertically (because of the stitch pattern), it has you 'jumping around' a lot, cutting the yarn and re-attaching, more than the same shape made horizontally would have.

"Chain 39" is an instruction for the left front.  Not to be confused with row 39 which is part of the discussion of the back neck.

The last instruction before "Chain 39" is 'fasten off" the right front.  So now you are starting the left front as a separate new piece.

Remember what I said about reading ahead?  (Tough love again, trying to nudge you to be able to figure out what's going on by yourself, and keep referring to the diagram at the end of the pattern to orient you.)  Keep reading, you are going to work 6 rows across this chain, fasten off again, and go back to the back neck to follow the instruction area for 'left side'.

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If I could understand the pattern I wouldn’t be asking. Not sure if I am doing this right. If I’m working vertically, now I’m really confused. Not sure where the back is then to the front. I know what your trying todo but I am really new to garments. Maybe I should stick with what I know. I really do appreciate your help thank you

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I get it, I'm not 'mad at you' or anything, I'm just trying to gently steer you into using the tools I'm relating to you, to help you figure out this (and future) patterns issues on your own.  Teaching you to fish instead of giving you a fish, sort of.

I initially learned the basic stitches in a 1 evening session from a friend's mom, and that plus a 'basic how to crochet book' was it for my instruction (pre PC era); I didn't want to pester her with questions after that so I taught myself how to muddle thru patterns on my own.

Part of what I took away from my self-teaching process was what I'm telling you - read through the pattern first to make sure you understand all the stitches and techniques, and 'how it goes together'.  Look at the pattern photo (and diagram in your case) for guidance.  If a pattern line's instruction looks confusing to you, just follow it literally, don't assume - a perfect example of assuming is where your pattern said 'chain 39', and you thought it must mean something else.  The step immediately before that said 'finish off' another area, so you weren't connected to the garment any more, therefore 'chain 39' could only mean 'chain 39' on a 'new' piece of yarn.

If you analyze the diagram and a future pattern line still confounds you after interpreting it literally (like the above analysis of how I arrived at the answer your 'chain 39" question), I'll still lend a hand.

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this what I have done so far. The part with the hook is the 70 stitches and the top part is the right front. Now I have to chain 39 and work the  6 rows and fasten off. then I go back to left side row 44 and work the stitches I was doing for the 70 stitches to the end. Still confused. 

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I think I've oriented your photo right way to the diagram, the left side of your photo is the solid, rectangular back and the right side is the right front.  

The front looks a bit out of proportion because I turned it to match the diagram, it was originally further from the camera so it looks smaller than it is, so ignore that.

The hook is in the 'shape back neck' section, at the end of row 44, where it says "do not fasten off", correct?  (Just want to make sure I'm oriented correctly)  

But now I see the problem that I didn't spot earlier.  Your piece has a 'divot' that doesn't appear in the diagram, but makes sense with following row 1 of the right front, 'skip 32 stitches on row 38'.  When really, you want to start creating an upward slope (not a divot) at some point on the back neck, possibly where you hook is, by (guessing) 1 stitch each row at the shoulder end of the right front, possibly until you are 32 stitches away (down from) from the shoulder - does that make sense?  I'm guessing from looking at what you did, versus what the diagram looks like, and the diagram looks like the pattern photo.

I hope this makes sense.  It seems to me I have seen comments about this pattern elsewhere, or maybe a while back on this site, I'll see if I can find anything.

Aran Toggle Wrap.jpg

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I think I’m going to cut my loses and see if I can turn it into something else. I really do appreciate everything you did to try to help me. Thank you you are an angel.  That pattern is to me not for beginners or intermediate. 
happy crocheting. 

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I'm sorry Katseye, but I totally get when it's time to cut your losses on a pattern. 

With the questions asked by you and the earlier thread I linked to, plus comments on Ravelry, you are not alone, this pattern has stumped a lot of people.  

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I'll admit that I did not look at every single comment on this topic, only that I found the following on youtube.  So maybe this video has already been discussed here on Crochetville. 


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Good sleuthing! 

It never occurred to me to look oh youtube - and it's at the very spot the OP is stuck at!...and after watching it, holy moley, that is the weirdest construction I have ever seen!  Less than a 6 minute video, but a picture is worth 1000 words as they say.

Actually a little embarrassing, because I did say to follow the pattern even if it looked weird...ahem.  This is a great example of following an 'impossible' instruction and learning something new!

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@Granny.  Nevertheless, we should not have to consult a video to figure out how to crochet or knit an item.  Yes, there are projects which are post-Intermediate, i.e., requiring much experience but still that is not an excuse. 

 I recall an expensive shoe that was kind of rounded at the bottom, cost hundreds of dollars - and it came with a video disc to show you how to relearn to walk in them.  Right.  No thanks.





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I totally agree Horsy, the pattern should have had photos or sketches to explain that area, because it eventually will come to look like the diagram but it sure "doesn't look like you can get there from here" looking at that weird divot.   I know I've seen patterns with sketches showing you how to do a mind bending origami-like maneuver necessary to get from point A to B so you can continue, this pattern definitely needed that--or at least an explanation (this weird step is to set up the x part of the front).


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Wow now I’m mad, I’ll have to start over and try again. I never thought of looking on YouTube. But do agree there should have been more instructions or more diagrams. I will try again. I turned what I started to something else already.  But really do appreciate you all for all the help.

Happy Crocheting 

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