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Confused with pattern

Agy G


I am currently working on a pattern and have completed round 4 with 26 stitches. I am confused as to how to proceed with round 5.

Instructions in round 5 (1dc in first 3sts, inc in next st, 1dc in next st three times, 1dc in next 4 sts) twice [32 sts]

How I am reading this is 1 double stitch in 3 stitches, 2 double stitches in next stitch(4th stitch), 3 double stitches in next stitch (5th stitch, 1 double stitch in the next 4 stitches, then repeat the process again. However following this I  have then only worked a total of 18 stitches not the 26 stitches in that round.

please can someone help? I am really confused. Thanks 😊 

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 (1dc in first 3sts, inc in next st, 1dc in next st three times, 1dc in next 4 sts) twice [32 sts]

Maybe they meant to write it like this

[1 dc in first 3 stitches (inc in next st, 1 dc in next st) 3 times, 1 dc in next 4st] twice

I think that uses 26 stitches and makes 32 stitches.  

Edited by bgs
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This one is a puzzle.  Wondering if  "1dc in next st three times" is possibly trying to tell you to make 3 dc into one stitch since that set of instructions seems really odd and out of place Then  wondering if where it says twice it means to say repeat twice.  Then you would work the sequence one more time which but that would use 27 stitches and you only have 26 stitches  and it would yield 36 stitches not 32 as it says for round 5.  Patterns can have mistakes in them and you can search to see if there are corrections out there.  Sometimes you have to look at the photo and look at other rows. Unless I am not seeing something we dont have enough info.  

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Instructions in round 5 (so I don't have to scroll)= (1dc in first 3sts, inc in next st, 1dc in next st three times, 1dc in next 4 sts) twice [32 sts] 

My accounting in bold:

(1dc in first 3sts uses 3   makes 3  Your interpretation=1 double stitch in 3 stitches -- we agree

inc in next st uses 1 makes 2  You=2 double stitches in next stitch(4th stitch)--we agree

1dc in next st three times, uses 3   makes 3 --but is strangely worded, why not 1 dc in next 3 sts like the first bit inside the parentheses? Or, why didn't it combine with the next part and say '1 dc in next 7 stitches'  You=3 double stitches in next stitch (5th stitch, -- we disagree on # of stitches used, but stitch count is the same

1dc in next 4 sts)  uses 4   makes 4  You=1 double stitch in the next 4 stitches--we agree

My analysis = 1 repeat uses 11, and makes 12.  If you do it 1 more time, it only uses 22, not 24, and creates 24 stitches, not 32, so unless I goofed I'm 8 off somehow.  

The only thing that I can think of, since we are off 8, which is a multiple of 4, and only the last line (segment) has 4, and that 'three times' was strangely worded in the segment before that, is that some wording was mixed up.  If you put 4 stitches into 1 stitch, 3 times, (in other words, use 3 stitches to create 12) the stitches available to be used and the total # of stitches come out right.  It might be something else entirely tho...

Is the pattern photo clear, can you tell by examining it if this, or something else, makes sense?

Bgs, you posted as I was trying to figure out the end part, I'm going to have to re-look at my math, but I need to run off (sorry OP, but I hope you feel better that it's not just YOU).








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You are welcome. 

Gosh its weird how my last post with the solution now appears just after post with question.  If I could only figure out why that happens!  Wonder if posts move up according to number of votes?

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Bgs, I saw that happen too (post order was not chronological) soon after the last software change, I asked Donna back then and your theory is correct - anyone can re arrange a thread's posts in vote order, and it affects all viewers, not just the order-changer. 

And hooray for figuring out what that oddly worded spot meant to say!



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