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Idea for a crochet manuscript..

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I've been steadily soaking up everything I can about crochet since June, 2005, and I've come to realize I have a rather different approach to crochet than most people. I'd like to articulate it and share it, and I think that it'd be useful. But I don't know. Do you think there's enough info on the web?


Because that's honestly where I've learned almost everything I use, but I seem to use it in ways that I've not seen elsewhere. I don't know. I guess what I'm saying is, do you think that I'd just be rehashing stuff that's out there if I write about the way that I do things or would it be a valuable read?

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I've been steadily soaking up everything I can about crochet since June, 2005, and I've come to realize I have a rather different approach to crochet than most people. I'd like to articulate it and share it, and I think that it'd be useful. But I don't know. Do you think there's enough info on the web?


Because that's honestly where I've learned almost everything I use, but I seem to use it in ways that I've not seen elsewhere. I don't know. I guess what I'm saying is, do you think that I'd just be rehashing stuff that's out there if I write about the way that I do things or would it be a valuable read?

It would be a valuable read for me; I'd love to see your tips and techniques. (In particular, I'd love to learn your hat-making techniques.)


Sure there's lots of stuff available on the web, but not all of it will make sense to everybody. Your approach, your explanations, and your wording might be just the thing to help scads of people. Like me, for instance!

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When I started to knit and crochet, I read alot. Most was the same and didn't help much. Then I stumbled across a couple of things that helped it click for me. I think you should go for it. Different things work for different people.

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I agree, you should write a manuscript, just don't post it on the web. I would try submitting it to one of the crochet magazines first and see if they are interested in buying it from you. You just might launch a new career! Good Luck!:clap:clap:clap

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Before you get out the pen and paper, you have to first consider what your goal is. Is your goal to create something for yourself, the forum, or do you want to go nationally (magazines, books, etc). If you want to send it in to a Magazine, you have to first research the magazine...what style is it, what percent of it is created by "freelance" writers. Some magazines do not allow unsolicted materials, where others welcome it. Sometimes you have to first send the magazine an outline of what you intend to cover, and they either approve or deny it. It can be a long process, but it's worth it! Take it from me..I have had many rejects..but the ones that have been published makes up for it in the long run. And writing won't pay the bills, by any stretch. Most magazines pay a one time fee, some less than $45, where others pay by the word. I would try Interweave Knits/Crochet..I want to say they are looking for manuscripts.



There is alot of information out there for crochet and knitting, so don't try to reinvent the wheel. Try instead to put your own spin on it, make it personal. Writing an article about a young male high school student who picked up crocheting, would be an interesting start. Not, how to make a chain, lol You get the point.


But my first piece of advice, is to set a goal and do the research. Good luck.



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