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Teaching a knitter (my mum) to crochet

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Today I unveiled my blog to my family and friends, and now my mum wants to learn to crochet. :hook


She's knitted since she was very young, but she's afraid to try something new. She's already told me she doesn't think she can do it.


Does anyone have any hints for helping us out? Is there anyone who's a knitter who learned to crochet? I learned crochet first so I'm no help there.


Anything would be appreciated, she's feeling a little negative about her ability to learn, but she really does want to. :(


Yay! for my mum :manyheart

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I have found that the few knitters (that I know) that have learned to crochet after learning to knit, usually have the most problem with 2 things. The first is holding the yarn. Depending on how your mum holds the yarn when she is knitting, this may be hard for her to learn. Many knitters hold the yarn off to the side and then "throw" it around the needle when making a stitch, so they are not comfortable holding it in one hand and working the hook around the yarn to make the stitch. Have her play with different ways of holding the yarn in her hand till she finds one that feels comfortable for her.


The second problem that I have seen is that they don't know which side of the stitch to go into. I know this sounds strange to crocheters, but I have a knitter friend that actually goes into the back of all of her crochet stitches, took me the longest time to figure out what she was doing. It doesn't make the stitches look that different, and it works for her, so why bother correcting it at this point. But if possible teach your mum the correct way to go into the stitches.


The last bit of advice I can give is patience and to have a project planned. Most knitters are not content to make tons of chains, because they are familiar with yarn and completing projects. Plan a simple scarf or dishcloth for the starting project and then work on the stitches together until she has the basics down. Maybe do a sc, hdc pattern first.

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No advice, sorry, but here's a little anecdote that may help your mom. My mom, who's 74 and has crocheted and knitted for years, taught herself to do both. She insisted this summer that she couldn't read a pattern, no way, no how. I told her she was silly and of course she could, she just had to parse it out (that's what I do). Well, guess who is slowly learning to read patterns? Yup, my mom. She proudly calls and tells me whenever she's figured a pattern out. So if a 74-year-old retired lady whose native tongue is not English can learn to read patterns, your mom can learn to crochet. Go Moms!! Patty

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Someone on this site gave me this information which is helpful for new crocheters



http://crochet.org/lessons/lessonl/lessonl.html this one is pictures,and you can choose left or right handed views from the main page


http://stitchguide.com this site will have videos, make sure you have quicktime installed....

read the "how to use this site" link up top on left and then you can test your browser for the necessary programs.

Stitchguide is really good. :manyheart I used it many times and it's not only crochet.... there is stuff for other crafting, wonderful site.

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I learned to knit long before I learned to crochet. If your mum holds her yarn in her left hand to crochet (providing she is right handed), she should have not trouble learning to crochet.


Once she learns, look out. I think she will enjoy it. The two web sites you were given are a great help to new crocheters.


Good luck in teaching her and just tell her to relax and enjoy.:hook

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Thanks for your ideas! We are going to tackle this this weekend, and She's going to make a bag. She'd like one sort of the same shape as the Sophie bag on MagKnits, so I guess I'll be rigging up a pattern then!


I said I'd make up a pattern only on the proviso that she wasn't allowed to just knit the Sophie pattern if she got frustrated with crochet ;)


I'll definately keep you posted on how we get on, I'm so excited! Fianlly I'll have someone to share crochet with!!! :hook

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I learned how to knit long before I knew how to crochet... As a kid, I thought crochet hooks were only used for pulling droped stiches back though all the rows they had gone down.


I agree with the person who said that if she holds the yarn in her left hand while she knits (for a rightly) she shoudln't have to much trouble. Though, I do know lots of women in my knitting/crochet group that can crochet if they knit the other way around.

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