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help with a pattern



Hi. This is the pattern that I'm making: http://www.instructables.com/id/Crochet-Dragon-Eggs-with-Baby-Dragon/

I am clearly doing something wrong when it comes to making the horns.

The pattern says: Magic Circle 6, sc2tog first 2 sts in each Rnd. Fasten off.

So I assume

R1 - Magic circle 6
R2 - stich 2 tog, sc in next 4 - 5 stitches total
R3 - st2tog, sc in next 3 - 4 stitches total
R4 - st2tog, sc in next 2 - 3 stitches total
R5 - s2tog, sc in next st - 2 stitches total, end?

Also in the picture it looks like the yarn left to sew it into the head is from the beginning of the crochet do I just move the yarn to the outside from the magic circle (because normally it would be on the inside of the horn).

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I agree with your interpretation.  You should leave a good length of 'yarn tail' left over from the 6 stitches over the magic circle for sewing up (it's a good idea to always leave a tail, for weaving in if there's no sewing-just crocheting over tails is not secure enough), and weave in the yarn tail from the horn tip on the inside of the horn.

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