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Twisting in my foundation chain



I am about to set my yarn on fire if this continues to happen!!!!!

I start my foundation chain and one stitch will be normal with the stitch "V" facing forward and then the next stitch it will be backwards with the "V" on the opposite and the back looks facing forward. This keeps happening to me and I am at my wits end!!!! Sometimes I can make it work but I am tired of it and I don't want to deal with it anymore!!!!  I have tried to go super slow, fast, change my hand and wrist positions, maintain the same movement the entire time but it keeps happening!!! Please, can someone shed some light on why this keeps happening and what I can do to fix it?????

Please and thank you! 


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3 answers to this question

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Welcome to Crochetville! 

It's really difficult to determine what you're doing without seeing you make a chain. However I have a couple of suggestions. I'm assuming that you are right-handed. If you are left-handed, it's the exact opposite. 

Start with a slip knot. Make sure that the tail is hanging down. Make sure that the tension on your working yarn is taut, but not tight. Use your left thumb and middle finger to hold the base of the slip knot. 

Move the hook towards you, then under the yarn with the hook up to grab it. Twist the hook down to pull through the loop. It's important that every time you grab the yarn it's always hook under, yarn over.

Move your thumb and middle finger up to pinch the chain you just made.

Repeat making a chain, then pinching it. This keeps the chain straight and loose.

I hope this helps! Let me know.


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If working in the back loops is making you contemplate yarn arson...let me make a suggestion.

Back in the dark ages well before the internet, I never heard of using the 'back bump'.  I was taught to use the top loop of the chain (as the chain faces you).  I used this for decades, and still use it.

When I heard of the back loop (probably at this site), I found it slow and fiddly and generally annoying.  And, because the bump method pulls the chain tighter than the method I'd been used to, you need to use a bigger hook for the chain, than for the fabric.  I think I may have used the back bump on 1 or 2 projects and went back to my old way of working into the top loop.

The only downside, which probably wouldn't be noticeable to a non-crocheter, is that using the top loop doesn't exactly look like the opposite/top edge of the fabric.  It looks fine, just different (more of a braid than a chain); I never had a project where that bothered me, and I'm pretty fussy.

A third way to work into the chain is, with the chain facing you, to insert the hook under the top loop and back bump (so the bottom loop of the chain is free).  

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Hi, welcome to the Ville!  

Is it twisted as soon as you make it?  It almost looks like your tension may be too tight, so I would try using a size or two larger hook.  Also you should never have a "death grip" on either the yarn or hook.  It's ok for the yarn to flow freely through your hand.  Some people give each stitch a tug after they make it; don't do that because it tightens the stitch too much.  

There is an alternative to making a long chain and stitching into it: Foundation stitches, where you make the chain and the stitch at the same time.  Have you ever tried that?  If not, I can link to some info for you.  

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