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Help! The 2 ends of the yarn appear to be wound around each other



I learned how to crochet a few weeks ago and have finished one full skein of yarn and parts of 2 other skeins. The skein I am currently using is strange and I am trying to figure out what I did wrong. None of the other skeins I have used had this problem. I pulled the end of the yarn from the middle of the skein as with the other skeins and used that to start my scarf. However, as I am using it , the other end of the yarn appears to be wound around the end I am using. It keeps getting tangled so that every few stitches I have to stop and unwind the other end of yarn from around the end I am using. Very annoying. Did I start with the wrong end? Did I do something else wrong? Help!

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4 answers to this question

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No, you didn't do anything wrong.  Sometimes when you use the inside end, the outside gets loose.  When it does, it can wind around the end you're using.  Take the end that is from the outside and wind it around the skein.  Now secure it under another strand.

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This will take a few minutes, but think of it as a bit of aerobic exercise.  Take the outside end, wind it around a couple of fingers loosely to form a tiny ball, then continue to wind around that little ball loosely (just sort of gently lay it across the ball - you want it as squishy as the skein was; too tight is a bad thing, which I learned as a new crocheter) until the skein is used up.  Nothing to tangle this way.

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