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Granny Square Tip Needed



I do all sorts of shawl patterns and blankets for my group at Church.

But a question that's been going thru my head on the rare occasion I do a granny square to use up yarn -


Why does it seem after a dozen rounds into it, yhat y he center wants to pucker so the middle is raised up and won't lie flat?

Things I've tried -

*changing hook size after a few rows

*changing number of initial chains on the beginning ring

*changing number of chains on corners


Any tips appreciated!

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7 answers to this question

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It's cupping, like a bubble?  Means there is too little circumference, or (same thing) too much diameter; the ratio needs to be just right to lay flat.  So you need to either shorten your stitches (not so easy, but every x row you could use sc in place of DC), or add more stitches, not just at the corners but the sides.


It could be, if you're using scraps, that even though they may all be classed as worsted, the size mix of the yarn may be making a difference (thicker yarns might be making taller stitches).  


Sometimes weirdness becomes more apparent on mega-round grannies, but you don't notice the problem in the first few rounds.  You might consider making smaller squares and joining them, joining as you go is pretty painless ;)

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Using L hook with double stranded WW yarns

2 dc, ch 1, 2dc for each corner

2 dc in each ch 1 space


Yes, it is a 6" bubble type pucker in center.

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i think almost every granny pattern I've seen uses 3dc for each set of dc, not 2.    many have a ch1 between each set of 3 dc, but many don't, and i think it depends on each persons gauge and preference.  in the corner between the 2 sets of 3 dc, i think you need at least 2 if not 3 ch.  

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Thanks again for the help!

I experimented some more and found that by using hdc for the first 2 rounds with 2 ch in between at corners and 1ch between on the sides - then switching to dc for the rest of the rounds with 1 ch between sets on sides and 3 ch between corners it lays flat!

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