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Hello I purchased a crochet bunny kit to make for my daughter. I am having serious issue with it. I am crocheting in the round, using a safety pin as a marker. Every round says to sl st. I find with every new round my previous round the holes are getting so tight I can hardly fit the hook. It is frustrating as no matter how loose I make each stich this keeps happening :(

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Everybody's tension is different.  I was helping my sister in law with a project a while back and we discovered that to get x stitches to measure y distance, we had to use 5 hook sizes apart from each other!  Sometimes this happens with designers, as well.


Since it's not a garment and it doesn't matter if the bunny is a little bigger/smaller, changing the hook to a comfortable fit for you and the yarn is the way to go.  If you are forming your stitches past the throat of the hook (so the hook shaft determines the size of the stitch), you might have to go up another hook size.  


oops, I'm typing slowly again, Hi Magic! :hi

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The hook I am using is US G6/4mm the hook they gave me just said 3mm the kit says needle licious crochet your own funny bunny it is made by Bartim industries I assume. I bought the kit at Walmart. Now as for the turning chain that is the other thing I did not understand it has always been my understanding that after each row you turn. I found when making my daughters slippers I did not turn for a few rows. And this pattern does not say to turn the work at all. Every pattern I have read always tells you to turn when it wants you to or not to turn. I feel I may have bit off more than I can chew so they say. Lol it reads as a fairly simple pattern and I am generally pretty good about figure things out. I have made a few different blankets as I said before with out any issue and it took me two tries to create a pair of slippers I honestly thought this looked fairly easy lol

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For working in the round to make a stuffed toy, probably 99% of patterns do not require turning.  so if the pattern does not say to turn, you don't need to turn.  


But in this pattern you still need a chain to begin a round.  Since you are not actually turning, think of it as the "getting up to  height" chain.  the function of a chain (or several chains) at beginning of row or round is to start the row/round at the right height for the following stitches.  

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Re the hook size, if the provided hook was 3mm, it is possible that a 4mm hook is too big and causing difficulty getting the hook into the stitch.   usually if i use too big a hook the sts are too loose and open but sometimes they can kind of collapse as well.  


Before the 3mm hook broke, how were the sttiches you made with that hook, were they too tight also?  


does the pattern give a gauge?  if so how does your gauge compare? 

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Barb, is there any way you can post a photo of what you have made?  If you can take a digital photo, preferably a well lit closeup that shows your stitches clearly, it is pretty easy to get a photo into a post.


I am wondering if there is something about the way you are making your sc that is causing a problem.  Like for example if instead of going into the top of the stitch you are going between the legs of the stitch, that would make all the sts scrunch together.  

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I guess I should ask also, the pattern states : start with adjustable ring and chain 1 then at the beginning of round one it says chain 1 work 6sc into adjustable ring. Therefore does this mean that really I want to chain two before starting my 6sc into the ring? I have no issue working with the ring I actually find that part easy lol

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Barb, I agree with what Sharon said.  the stitches look as if the yarn is being stretched.  So if you are keeping a tight tension on your yarn, try to loosen up.  If you are tugging after each stitch, stop---tugging is almost never necessary.

Another way to look at it is that the yarn is rather skinny compared to the size of the stitches.  this could be because you are now using a larger hook than was recommended.  Frankly it could also be because the yarn is flimsy; in my experience some yarns just don't live up to the "weight" they are said to be by the manufacturers.  


Please look at the pattern again and see if there is a gauge listed.  It should say there are so many stitches and rows to a certain number of inches or centimeters.  

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To all the lovely ladies who gave me ideas and tips. I'm not sure what I have done differently but the running marker is working great for me. Still using my 4mm hook and I am about to start row 17 here is how it looks so far! Will post pictures of the finished product :)post-77448-0-12079000-1460097096_thumb.jpeg

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welcome to the ville!


Usually a slip stitch is used just to join at the end of the round.  Do you mean the spot where you need to slip stitch is too tight, or are you saying all the other stitches of the round are too tight?   What stitches are used in the rest of the round?


What is the name of the kit?  

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It is all single crochet and yes the sl st is to join each round. It's all the other stitches that seem to be getting tight. I have taken it apart about 8 times thinking I'm doing something wrong. But counts are right everything seems to be right. Have even tried to make each stitch loose just not working :( can I post a pic of the pattern on here?

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It is all single crochet and yes the sl st is to join each round. It's all the other stitches that seem to be getting tight. I have taken it apart about 8 times thinking I'm doing something wrong. But counts are right everything seems to be right. Have even tried to make each stitch loose just not working :( can I post a pic of the pattern on here?

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If you mean take a photo or scan of the pattern and post it, that would not be allowed under the forum guidleines (see the Town Hall section for more info).


You can type out a row or 2 of the pattern in your post.  Be sure you type it exactly as it appears.


Were your stitches loose enough to begin with, but are tightening up as you work more of the pattern?  


What hook does the kit call for?  You might need to use a bigger hook but you do want the fabric to be pretty dense so the stuffing won't show thru.

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Ok I will type it out. Lol it calls for a three and came with that size hook. Well I brook it. And have moved up to a size 4.


I have tried making the very beginning stitches loose everything I can think to try :( this is my first attempt at making something like this I have made 5 blankets all different patterns a pair of slippers with no issue :(

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Start with adjustable ring and chain 1

Rnd 1 : ch1, work 6 sc in adjustable ring and join the round with a sl st in the starting ch

Rnd 2: ch1, 2 sc in each next sc join round with sl st in starting ch

Rnd 3: ch1 1sc,2sc in next sc repeat from * 6 times join with sl st

Rnd 4: ch1 *5sc, 2sc in next sc repeat from * 3 times join with a sl st


And rnd 4 is where the previous stitches start to get really tight.

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