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Worn darning/tapestry needle discolored my yarn



I was happily embroidering onto my amigurumi when I noticed an orange/rust discoloration near where I first inserted my needle. I tried wetting it and rubbing it out, but that only spread the discoloration around even further. Has this happened to anyone before and were you able to fix it? I used acrylic yarn. The needle on the left is the one I used in the attached picture.



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3 answers to this question

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Since it's acrylic, try throwing it in the washing machine.  I've been surprised at what detergent and the washer's agitation will take out.  If the washer won't remove the rust, try a little rust remover, like bleach or CLR.  Then wash it again.  If that doesn't work, start over.


Also, throw away that needle.  Unless someone has a suggestion for restoring it.

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Agree on tossing the needle, you can get a package of darning needles in different sizes for a couple of $.  You can even buy plastic ones, but they tend to break. 


Since it's rust dust on the surface (not like the needle became rusty ON the fabric), and it appears to be acrylic versus a natural fiber , it should come out.  Alternatives to the above suggestions, try using oxyclean, or white vinegar + water.  

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DD7 will take rust off cloth. I've used it to take the rust off curtains where grommets left it. I think I bought it at WalMart. It's in a tube. It smells just like the hand cleaner mechanics use, so it wouldn't surprise me if it's the same stuff.

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