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Help with stitch in fingerless mitts needed!



Hullo there!


Am new to the forums here and hoping to get some help with a project I've recently started working on :)


So I learned how to do some basic crocheting last year and have since knocked out a few scarves.  I decided to make a pair of fingerless mitts for a friend, and would really like to use this pattern from the Crochet Dreamz blog: http://crochetdreamz.blogspot.com/2012/09/adeline-fingerless-mitts-or-arm-warmers.html


Just scroll down to the bottom of the blog post for the link to download the pattern.


So basically I've done the foundation chain stitches and then it calls for a row of double crochet alternating with a row of slip stitch.  In theory no problem.  But I'm finding even within three or four rows my glove is either expanding along the edges or decreasing, as in the lengths of the rows really don't appear to be even.


Also the second question would be that it appears to be 'puckering' a little - if this is the right word - where as I progress with the rows (currently on about row 6) the work as a whole develops that sort of frilly effect - is this normal or am I doing something wrong?  My guess is it would be something to do with the alternation of the types of stitches in each row dc/sl st.


Just to say, I've made about three scarves using what I think is a single crochet stitch (not 100% sure that's the right name) and had no problem keeping them the same width throughout.


If anyone has any tips or advice on where I may be going wrong it would be much appreciated!


Thank you!

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6 answers to this question

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Hi- elvesandsocks:)



I think your issue may be that you aren't working into your ch stitches from the row before the one you are on - consistently. It seems like you may be missing them at times or actually working more than one in the end of the row. Try counting your stitches before doing the next row to make sure you are getting the right number.

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You could also put a stitch marker in the first and last stitches as you do them so they will be visible to you.


About the puckering. I think you are doing your slip stitches a bit tight. You could use a half size bigger hook to eliminate that.

When I am doing slip stitch rows, I stretch the work out about every ten stitches and let the yarn catch up.

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This seems like a pretty complicated pattern to do, having only learned to crochet last year.  Maybe start with a simple pattern of dc first, then work up to something a little more complicated.  You need to get all the basic stitches down pat before you start with the fancy stuff!  Good luck!

You can find several good patterns for easy fingerless gloves right here on the 'Ville!  Just go to patterns, then click on free crochet patterns. 

There are also several good patterns on www.crochetpatterncentral.com for easy fingerless gloves.

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Admin Note: The link that was originally included in the first post went directly to a download site for the pattern. Elvesandsocks, I much appreciate that you provided a link instead of uploading a pattern PDF in your post.

However, when a link goes straight to the pattern download on the appbox site, it doesn't give the pattern designer any benefit of traffic to her site. So I replaced your link with a link to the post about the pattern on the Crochet Dreamz blog. This way, the designer will still get the benefit of site traffic and people can still easily access the pattern by scrolling to the download link in the bottom of the post.


Hope you're able to get the assistance you need! :)

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I agree with the first two answers it's probably something simple you can fix with practice. I know you can do it.

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Hello everyone!  Thanks for all the suggestions so far :)  And yes, Amy, I see the point about traffic on the site, so thank you for editing that.


I'm not having a massive amount of trouble with the stitches themselves, but I guess it's the gauge of them I need to finetune.  I think I'm going to stick with it, follow the advice given and see what I can do!



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