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baby booty blues! Help!



okay okay so I am sure everyone reading this thinks booties are SO easy...and they were, until I found this free pattern at Michaels and decided to give it a try, and then another try, then another, and so on...I am so STUCK! Would you mind trying to decipher these directions for  me to get me past step 2?


Here goes:

(after top of booty made, this is the first foot, first round:)


Join yarn with sl st to any corner ch 2 sp. Ch 1. 2 sc in same sp as last sl st. (work 7 sc along side of motif. 3 sc in nect ch 2 sp.) Chain 27


Here is where I am lost....I chained 27 loosely as directions stated, then they mysteriously say ""join."  What?? Join to what, here I am chaining 27 but have no clue where the 27 goes, or what to "join" to.


Here is the rest of step 2:

After joining, place maker on last sc. 2nd round: Chain 3, 1 dc in each of next 31 sc. 1 dc in each of next 27 chain...join. 58 dc


If I could just figure out where I am supposed to join the chain...any ideas??

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Yes it makes sense I understand your frustration as the pattern does not explain very well. I will work on in a little while and I will get back to you tonight.  

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So glad you posted I was wondering how you were doing. Also glad you didn't give up and kept trying, good for you. yes it's a good idea to take a break and I hope you can make another one later on.  Yea no more Michaels patterns for m either.LOL

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Sarisue thank you for your help! I re did it and figured out where I was mis reading the directions, I was looking to sc decrease in NEXT 3 stitches, I was missing your comma, makes a big difference!!!! I still ended up with a slightly different count but it was much better!! The sole was still a little crooked, not too noticeable when I turned them right-side out but I think that might be my tension. I haven't don't the other booty yet, (I took a break to work on a sweater,) but I am hoping with some time in between and a refreshed attitude for that darn pattern will make a much easier booty....I have learned my lesson with MICHAELS patterns!!!!


Thanks acraftylady for your pattern, those are cute too! Maybe I will make another pair just to have a better taste in my mouth for baby booties :)

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I've been trying to figure out how to explain this better as I don't think you are reading the pattern right. As you do a decrease you need to count that as 1 sc which I don't see in your numbers. When you finished the side you should have the 58 or more stitches . i am wondering if you have that many.


I wrote out the rnd for the decreasing rnd the way it is done. It starts with 58 stitches (Do you have that many to start?) and by decreasing 6 it ends up with 52


2nd rnd: Ch 1. 1 sc in first 7 (8) sc. Sc2tcog., 1 sc in each of next 3 sc,  Sc2tcog, 1 sc in each of next 3 sc,  Sc2tog ,  1 sc in each of next 17 (19) sc,  Sc2tog,  1 sc in each of next 3 sc,  Sc2tog,  1 sc in each of next 3 sc,  Sc2tog,  1 sc in each of next 10 (11) sc. Join. 52
BUT as I had more stitches around my square I will use the numbers for the larger size.
I am wondering if it would help you better if you watched some videos on line on how to read patterns better, as some of the newer patterns are confusing to start and seeing them explained might just help.
EDITED Sat afternoon.  I think you need to look for a new pattern as after finishing mine I see your frustration. The pattern is not all there and just doesn't work as it is now. It looks like the directions for the are mixed up somehow.
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How many sc did you have to start as it seems You are missing stitches somewhere?  I need to know that so I can write out the rnds better. Where you sc 2 tog you would have one stitch each time which you are leaving out in your numbers. At the end you should have 10 stitches left to sc in.

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....well I completed the sole, and it looked okay, until I looked rom the top down...and it is crooked, WAY crooked...so back to the drawing board! I am missing stitches back at the 2nd round of the sole, and I think that sets me up for the crooked finished sole. It reads like this:


Ch 1. 1 sc in first of 7sc. (Sctog. 1 sc in each of next 3 sc) twice. ***okay so that is 7sc plus another 6 =13

Sctog. 1 sc in each of next 17 sc. *** 13+17=30

Sctog (1sc in each of next 3 sc. sc2tog) twice ****30+6=36

 1 sc. in each of next 10sc. Join *****36+6=42   


I need to have 52 so I am missing 10 crochets somewhere. I have the decrease count right in that I should only be taking away 6 crochets throughout....but cant match where I am missing those extra 10 crochets.

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It says sc2tog, that means to start the sc in the one stitch and finish in the next stitch.


I checked  the numbers and for me it worked with the second set using the ones in (). 


Heres's a site that has how to sc tog.





I answered before I read the other answers and see magiccrochetfan has given a great answer.

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the link to the pattern is not working for me now, but let me show you a site for sctog http://www.nexstitch.com/v_single_crochet_dec.html


does the pattern just say sctog, or is it sc2tog or sc3tog?  


if it just says sctog, I would assume it is sc2tog.  but look thru the pattern to be sure you've read any "special stitches" type of  description of sctog.  

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okay sarisue, I have completed the foot rounds and they look great! The pics really helped!  Made it a bit of the way down to the sole, 2cd round. I know what decreasing stitches is but I am stumped as to what they mean by (sctog. 1 sc in each of next three sc)twice. Does this mean I pick up 1sc, yo, pick up another sc, yo, then pick up another sc, yo and pull through all four loops? The directions continue to say 1 sc in each of next 17 sc. Now when they say sctog 1sc, I pick up 1 extra sc and yo, pull through three loops...right? I must have this wrong because in the third round it says to sctog 1 sc in next 15 sc. It seems to be making the sole of the booty small really fast if I do it this way.......

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I'm very glad they  helped. I really hope you get it as it is very cute. I've been looking at the pattern and I think the directions on it work if you stop at the second rnd yet the picture has the three so I am checking the numbers this afternoon.

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>>>>>>>. when something is worded  [ch.2 5 dc in ch-2sp. (3dc in ch-1 sp) ] 3 times, does that mean I do EVERYTHING inside both the parenthesis and brackets 3 times, or just the parenthesis and just do the brackets one time.>>>>>>>>>>>



You do whats in the brackets including whats in the () 3 times. You would do whats in the brackets then repeat that 2 times.


I have the pictures  so  let me know if you understand them. As to the side It really has more than 7 stitches and I think that is a mistake. if you sc in the dc and the ch 1's there would be 11 so I just did a  sc in the 9 dc and skipped the 2 ch 1's between them and 3sc in each front corner .






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thank you both for your help. sarisue could you post a pic at each round?? I am thinking my stitch count might be off my the third round going into the first foot. when something is worded  [ch.2 5 dc in ch-2sp. (3dc in ch-1 sp) ] 3 times, does that mean I do EVERYTHING inside both the parenthesis and brackets 3 times, or just the parenthesis and just do the brackets one time. By the time I am done the 3rd round, right before I fasten off to start the foot round, I am ending up with more of a  flower petal shape then a square because I have way more stitches in the third round then in the second. Not sure if I am adding some...which means when I get to the foot rd and it tells me to sc 7 across the motif, that doesn't get me to the corner at all, ends up halfway to the corner, which is why I could only get to 2 corners instead of the three corners you said I should have gotten to before I chained 27. I really hope this makes sense to you, sometimes I have to re read these messages to fully understand the lingo - I am still just a novice - one cardigan, one sweater, a blanket and 2 beach bags under my belt ---and these booties are the hardest yet!!



THANKS A TON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You attatch the yarn in the corner Where the hook is do 2 sc in that ch 2  then sc down the right side,  sc across the front, sc  down the left side, 2 sc in the corner, then do the chain to go around the ankle and join in the beginning sc, then you sc around the sc and the chain etc.

By the pattern picture I think they have 9 sc on the sides and 3 in each front corner.


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Sarisue, my wording would have been more precise if i had said you were noticing problems in the pattern, rather than you having problems , that is really what i was thinking but somehow i didn't type it that way ;-)

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I wasn't really having any problems making it but just noticing that it wasn't written the way it was done by the picture.  I am going to post a picture but my camera is not coperating right now so might be tomorrow. I agree that it should say how to join the corner and other points that would help have been left out.


>>>...The pattern I think was originally on the Patons site and is no longer there (actually it is Yarnspirations now, PAtons is part of a merged group of yarn companies).  This tells me that there may be problems with the pattern and Patons chose not to update it on the new site.  Since SariSue is having problems making it , <<<<<<<<<<<


And Sarisue is right, the chain should be joined to a different corner, i was wrong above.  But agian, the pattern should say this and not leave it up in the air.  <<<<<<<<<

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The pattern I think was originally on the Patons site and is no longer there (actually it is Yarnspirations now, PAtons is part of a merged group of yarn companies).  This tells me that there may be problems with the pattern and Patons chose not to update it on the new site.  Since SariSue is having problems making it , that reinforces the thought that the pattern has errors.  At any rate, constructing something from a pattern should not be this hard.  I would look for a pattern that has better info about construction, maybe some inprogress photos or a schematic of the construction.  Have you checked the pattern search on ravelry?  


And Sarisue is right, the chain should be joined to a different corner, i was wrong above.  But agian, the pattern should say this and not leave it up in the air.  

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After doing a swatch I wonder about the number of sc's for the sides. As there are 9 dc on each side And looking at the picture it looks like they did 9 sc in the dc's so I wonder if the part to do 7sc is a mistake.  Or am I missing something?

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Forgot to say where it says twice after that part in () it means to do that once and then repeat that for the second side then what it says for the third side then do the chain and join it to the next corner having the chain part going around the ankle.

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I don't think you posted the whole rnd so here's the last rnd of the motif before the ch 27 >>>>>Foot: 1st rnd: (RS). Join yarn with sl st to any corner ch-2 sp of Motif. Ch 1. 2 sc in same sp as last sl st. (Work 7 sc along side of Motif. 3 sc in next ch-2 sp) twice. Work 7 sc along side of Motif. 2 sc in next ch-2 sp. Ch 27 (31) loosely. Join. Place marker on last sc.,,,,<<<<<<<,


This goes around three sides so you will be at the third corner then you ch 27 and to go around the ankle join the ch across in the next corner of the motif do the dc around the 3 sides and in the chains.



>>>>>>..I am so STUCK! Would you mind trying to decipher these directions for  me to get me past step 2?



If I could just figure out where I am supposed to join the chain...any ideas??<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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Yep that's the one! I wasn't sure if that was what I was supposed to do or not (sl stitching to the ch 3) because when I chained 27 (imagine a square,) I was only on the second side of the square before I chained 27...so then here I am in the middle of the square with a long chain of 27...so I take the end and slip stitch it back to the top of the chain 3 in the very beginning of my square so its sort of just hanging there, just attached by one thread. Does that make any sense? But now what? I have this random chain that is sl st back to the beginning and then the next step is to move on to the next round. I ch 3 and then I am supposed to dc in each of next 31 sc....but I am back at the beginning where I just "joined" my 27 chains, so where do I dc? There are no sc to work in UNLESS, i SKIP working the random chain of 27 and work the edge of the square from the beginning. SO okay let say I do that, now the next step after my 31 sc across the square it to dc in each of next 27 chain, join.....Once the sc's are done then I would have to work back over the random chain of 27with dc's. Then there is that word join again. Join to the beginning I suppose?? you have the right pattern at least...and thanks so much for the help!!! I don't want to give up on this one because they are so cute!!

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Ok I think I found it? http://canada.michaels.com/Patons-Beehive-Baby-Granny-Motif-Booties-(Crochet)/C_47471,default,pd.html


it does say under Instructions "Join rnds with sl st to top of ch 3 or first sc."  so I think that is indicating that wherever it says join , it means to join to the first st of the round.  

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I hate the patterns on the Michaels site, they always seem to be chopped up or written very poorly.    But anyway, it would help if you could link to it so we can see the whole pattern, and hopefully there is a photo.  

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