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Need help please.





Can anyone help me with the below.




Rnd 1: Now working in rnds, ch 3, dc in each st across, ch 42 [44, 46, 48] (arm- hole), sk ends of rows, working in starting ch on opposite side of row 1, dc in each of first 2 chs, [sk next dc, dc in each of next 3 chs] across ending with dc in each of last 2 chs, ch 42 [44, 46, 48] (armhole), join (see Pattern Notes) in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.

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I don't understand what you are having trouble with as that is what you are supposed to do. What don't

you understand about it?

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For the e bottom I have 74 stitches; so it says 62 stitches what about the rest? Also the top i have 78 stitches and it says work 62 stitches what about the rest, all are single crochet.


taking into consideration that the starting at the bottom not like the starting at the top.



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Your pattern gives instruction for different sizes. The 62 refers to if you are making the smallest size. The number of stitches worked for larger sizes is normally included in parentheses afterward, but it is possible that might have been left off either accidentally or with the assumption that you will understand that.


Now, that said, the number of stitches you have on bottom and top do not match, you say the bottom has 74 and the top has 78. Looking back at the bit of the pattern you have posted earlier, one size calls for there to be 74 while the next larger size has 78. (I am looking at row 2 of the jacket back as you posted earlier.) I think you may have accidentally added or dropped a couple stitches somewhere as, based on what bits of the pattern you have shared, I think the number should be the same on both top and bottom. Check your stitch count again to be sure you have not mis-counted, and also double check how many you ought to have for the size you are making.

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It does have more on one end as it was increased later on and  you have it right.


It could have just left out the sizes part but 


I see why your confused as didn't you already crochet around it ifor 2 which says just do it in the stitches and chains to get all sc? 


I looked at the corrections and it starts with row 5 



What does row/rnd 3 say?   




Edited to say I am rechecking the pattern as I am not sure untill I know what you did in rnd/row 3

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I checked the eratta page and rnd five says

Rnd 5: Sc in each st around and at same time evenly sp inc of 34 [34, 34, 36] sts. (238 [254, 270, 284] sc)


So I think you should do 248 sc in rnd 4 and I think that  you just sc around for rnd 4 for 248 sc which by  my calculations you  have.  in the rnd before   74+78+96= 248  

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I'm sorry about this but I think I need to start over here as I don't have it right and have made a mistake when reading.. I'll get this yet as I see it clearer now.  


I am still wondering though as you say you have all sc in rnd 3 but by the picture it should be chs and spaces.


And I had it wrong as rnd 4 should be sc and dc not all sc.


 I wish I had the pattern but I don't so I studied the picture and see for rnd 3 it has ch sps between the stitches, so that's why for rnd 4 you are supposed to crochet in stitches and chains and you will be doing sc and dc instead of all sc like I thought.


Rnd 4: Sc in each of first 62 sts and chs across top edge, dc in each st and ch around each armhole and bottom edge, do not join.<<<<<    


You will have more sc across the top as the other sizes are missing but need to do dc for the rest.

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Hi, did you understand my last message about the canges I made as I hadn't noticed some things before?



It means you need to add 36 stitches around by 2 in a stitch. Evenly spaced means there is the same number of stitches between each increase.

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No neither of those. You need to do 36 increases placing them evenly around the rnd to get 284, so  you need to do some figureing where to put them. 

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I hate it when the math comes out so messy.  Unfortunately there can be a lot of math in crochet. 


248 divided by 36 is 6.888


248 divided by 6 is 41 +, too many increases


248 divided by 7 is 35 +, almost 36


7 x 35 is 245, which is 3 stitches short, and 1 increase short.  So you are going to have to scatter some shorter lengths in there to come close to distributing evenly.


7 x 34 = 238, which is 2 increases short, and 10 stitches short.  So if you made another 2 increases in spans of 5 stitches, not 7 inches, you should come out even.  I would space the 5 stitch spans across from each other, or in a way that they will be the least noticeable.


Better, 32 spans of 7 stitches and 4 spans of 6 stitches.


There are probably other ways to do this, but I usually do the math to get close, then 'fiddle' with it to deal with the remainder.  I know my answer is longer than you were expecting, but I wanted you to be able to work it out on your own when it comes up again.

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You know, I edited that a couple of times and realized I deleted what might have been a critical clarification.


When I said (for example) span of 7, I meant:  sc 6, increase in the seventh stitch.  I'm not sure if that might have made a difference....anybody else reading this have another idea (did I mess up my math?)


The important thing...the increases don't have to be exactly the same distance apart, you can fudge a stitch or 2 here and there. 

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Is it a free pattern on line? If it's in a book, what's the pattern name/book?


I assume you know 42 [44, 46, 48] means do something different for different sizes, like small[med, large, x-larg]


What is the item?  Is it a circle sweater?  It seems like a question just like yours came up recently, let me see if I can find the thread.


found it - is the pattern similar to the one in this discussion? http://www.crochetville.com/community/topic/150341-a-question-about-a-confusing-pattern/

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It is not a free pattern. It is a pattern at the crochet magazine "opera jacket".



Row 1: With 1 strand each yarn and thread held tog (see Pattern Notes), loosely ch 78 [86, 94, 99], dc in 4th ch from hook (first 3 chs count as first dc), [dc in each of next 3 chs, sk next ch] across ending with dc in each of last 2 [2, 2, 3] chs, turn. (58 [64, 70, 74] dc)


Row 2: Ch 3 (see Pattern Notes), dc in each st across, turn. Next rows: Rep last row until piece mea- sures 3 inches from beg, inc 1 dc at each side on next row by working 2 dc in first and last sts, then rep inc when piece mea- sures 6 inches from beg. (62 [68, 74, 78] dc at end of last row) Next rows: Work even until piece mea- sures 81[83, 9, 91] inches from beg.




Rnd 1: Now working in rnds, ch 3, dc in each st across, ch 42 [44, 46, 48] (arm- hole), sk ends of rows, working in starting ch on opposite side of row 1, dc in each of first 2 chs, [sk next dc, dc in each of next 3 chs] across ending with dc in each of last 2 chs, ch 42 [44, 46, 48] (armhole), join (see Pattern Notes) in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.


Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in each dc and in each ch around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (204 [220, 236, 248] dc.


I crocheted the back.


How to do the sides?

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