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Attempting the knight helmet



I want to make my granddaughter two of the crocheted knight helmets that are the rage right now for Christmas. I bought the pattern on Etsy and after working on the first one almost all day it looks like a round rug, the shape doesn't look like the one in the photo. I think I followed the directions precisely but maybe I did it too tight, too loose, or something else not right. If I put a photo here, would somebody be able to tell by looking what I did wrong? Thanks!!!

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That is adorable!  But it reminds me of Marvin the Martian http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_the_Martian


How big is the circle in your pic?  Does the pattern say what head measurement the 5-year size should fit?  How big is your daughter's head (around, like where the 'brim' would fit)?


A beanie hat (which this starts out the same as) starts with a flat circle the circumference of the wearer's head.  Some argue that it should be slighty less, it depends on how you like to wear hats - I don't like them tight - also for a child, you might to make it the same size as the head, it will fit perfectly at first and it will stretch a little when the child grows.  Example, here's a chart of head sizes, says for a child should be 19"-20.5" http://www.bevscountrycottage.com/size-chart.html


Let's say 20" for a round number; divide 20 by pi, which is about 6.4",  6.4" should be the diameter of the flat circle.


When you reach that measurement, stop increasing.  Work in the same number of stitches in each round until it reaches the point where it just covers the ears, per the pattern photo.


The photo of your piece looks like you kept increasing beyond the point you should have, which is why it's not looking hat-like..are you getting the same gauge as the pattern calls out? 

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Not silly at all, Mary Jo, because I don't know enough about it to know if it's silly or not. HA! I do believe it's adding stitches at each row (Rnd) and I have counted out loud every row to make sure I'm getting the right number in per the instructions.


Is it permissible to paste some of the pattern here? If not, would I be able to copy and paste some of into an email to send someone to look at? I will admit the only thing I have crocheted in the past has been afghans that are just basically one huge granny square, so this one is a bit more complicated than that. But as a seamstress who has sewn for over 45 years, I do know how to read patterns and follow directions. And recognize when something just doesn't look or seem right. (LOL.

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Are you suppose to add stitches on every row or every other row? 


Do you mark the first stitch of each row? 


I know these questions sound silly, but I have asked myself these questions plenty of times.

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welcome to the ville :hook


hopefully the pattern gives you stitch counts at the end of rows; do you have the correct stitch count?


if you post a photo of it we may be able to help you figure out what the problem is.  also we will need to have the link to the etsy listing so we can see the seller's photo of it.  

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