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need help for a jacket



hello !!it's me again..

i bought yarn to crochet this jacket from garnstudio but i don't understand the decreases!! (are below crochet tip decrease tip 1 for the body and decrease tip 2 for sleeves) can anyone help me please????




thanks a lot!!

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8 answers to this question

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Hi Artebella, did you try doing exactly what it says?  I beleive it does make sense, just don't overthink it.  I don't have time to write a longer post explaining it right now, but will try to tonight if no one else does in the meantime.  


Just take it one step at a time and i think it will become apparent how it works.  

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thanks a lot both of you...i will try to do it..but if i will not manage it i'll write again..sometimes i don't understand because of the language i don't speak perfect english..anyway if i have problem i will inform you.. :)

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Artebella, I am sure you can do it!   :cheer



I will go ahead and add a little interpretation in case you need it.  


DECREASE TIP 1 (applies to the body):
Dec as follows: Work tr until 3 tr remain, * in the first of these work 1 dc, in the next 1 hdc and in the last 1 sc, turn with ch 1, skip sc, work 1 sl st in hdc and 1 sl st in dc, then 1 sc in first tr, 1 hdc in next tr and 1 dc in next tr, work tr until 3 tr remain at end of row *, repeat from *-* until a total of 6-8-12 rows have been worked.

So here you are making the edges taper.  you will crochet across the row, up to the last 3 tr of the previous row.  then in those last 3 stitches you will make a dc, hdc, and sc.  Then turn and chain 1.  then skip the sc, and put a slip stitch in the hdc and the dc.  then you will begin working into the tr stitches; do a sc in the first tr, hdc in second tr, dc in the third tr, then work tr in the rest of the tr, up to the last 3 tr, where you again work a dc, then a hdc, then a sc.  Then turn, chain1, skip the sc, slip stitch in the hdc and dc.......and keep doing this for 6, 8, or 12 rows.  

DECREASE TIP 2 (applies to sleeve cap): 
Dec at beg of row by working sl st over the no of tr to be dec. Dec at end of row by working until same no of sts to be dec remains, turn piece.

In this case you are simply eliminating the stitches to be decreased (in Tip 1 you made them gradually shorter).  At the beginning of the row you slip stitch over them and at the end of the row you just leave them unworked. 


Well i don't know if that is any help to you at all haha!


Do ask if you have any other questions, we will try to help you interpret it :hook

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thank you very very much :ty

you are very analytical...i think now does make sense..i have crocheted similar decreases for a cardigan to my daughter...i started crochet this jacket yesterday and i was stressed if i will manage to do it (also i was thinking is pity not have here in Greece a similar forum like crochetville who gives help to everybody..sometimes when you ask help in experienced crocheters they tell you to watch videos on you tube has everything ok i agree with that, but you tube can't help me with patterns)..anyway when i will finish it i will post a photo..thank you again you are very kind!

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it's me again..i have new problem now...

for this pattern again..i crochet for size L/XL  and after the 20th round writes to continue with trebles in each side but not crochet 39 tr at top by neck or 39 tr at bottom of back.. i don't understand that how can i do that?? help me please..

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