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Crap! Now what?



Last night DD was working on a granny square blanket and spilled tea (1/2 a cup) all over the blanket…colors are blue and black..
This is what we did rinsed in bath tub repeatedly to get the tea out spinned all the water out in the washer then air fluffed in drier… but we would like to know what else we should do or should have done & need to do now?? the blanket is not complete yet.. thanks

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3 answers to this question

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Hopefully by fluffing in the dryer you meant no heat....


I've never had to try to remove tea stains but vinegar, or vinegar and salt, seem to be recommended by googling it.  I'd also think an oxy-type cleaner couldn't hurt (baking soda, oxyclean, borax in order of strength) .


Is this acrylic?  It shouln't take a stain as easily as natural fabrics .


Sorry this happened, good luck!!!

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