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I'm Confused!

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I've been crocheting for about 9 months and I've made mostly scarves and afghans. I enjoy working the hook and it's really helped keep my mind off of my separation and (maybe) divorce. :cry

My work is really starting to look nice :bow and I want to make some gifts for Christmas.


BUT... I'm driving myself nuts and getting all confused. :think

I'm having trouble matching up types of yarn, colors, and patterns and I end up spending HOURS in Michaels going thru different yarns. :eek I end up leaving with NOTHING! :grump


And forget it if I go thru a yarn catalog! :loco


:huh How do you keep all your enthusiasm reined in, get a plan together, and then finish your project?

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Well, I do a lot of small projects, fingerless gloves (got a bunch of patterns , hats, christmas / halloween decorations. I've started a sampler afghan, hmm, lots of other projects on the go.


I get confused sometimes, with worsted weight, sport weight, etc. I usually don't go by the yarn brand mentioned in a pattern, but get the right weight yarn. ($$) But, I think something to remember is for a project, make sure the yarn is the same weight, and that you like how the colors look together. I very rarely use the colors specified.


If i have a certain project in mind, I'll bring the pattern to wal-mart, or whever i want to get the yarn from, and make sure its' the right size, amount, or whatever.


the problem i have is remembering different crochet cotton sizes.


I've been crocheting for a few years now, and have a quilted crochet hook case, (bought from lewiscraft) and have slowly gathered the commonly used hooks. I get a feeling of satisfaction from opening my crochet hook case, and seeing that it's almost full! (two more spots to fill):cheer Yep, I'm a nerd. lol.


I frequently have different projects on the go. right now i'm making Winnie the Pooh, a goth doll, hmm, i started a caeplet, poncho thing from crochet me, and I've got planned to make an amigurmi (spelling?) monkey, and a regular monkey. :hook


Yeah, i'm pretty much babbling now, so i'll stop.

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What I do is I get the project in my mind, then decide the colors I want to use.:) I do this with yarn and thread.


Now, I agree with butterfly girl. I take the pattern with me, this way I have a reason for being in the yarn section and I know what I want. It also refreshes my memory as to what I am making and what ply yarn I am looking for. If I am not useing the same colors, I write down the colors I am looking for. Blue, but could be turquise,lt blue, dark blue. You get the idea.:think


Anyway, that is the best wayI found to keep my mind off all the other yarns I do not need at the time. :blush


I also have been crocheting for a few years, and This is the way I have done it from the begining.:hook


Hope this helps some. Every little tid bit helps with try to figure out yarn. As you get more and more use to crocheting, you will find you own little ideas on how to handle the yarn and hooks.:hook

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For many years I only bought the yarn that I needed for a specific project. I would select the pattern and buy exactly what the pattern called for (brand and color). I didn't realize it at the time but I was getting an education in yarn types, weight, etc.


I would also highly recommend the book "Crocheting For Dummies" that came out last year. It is a fantastic reference book!


Happy Hooking! :bounce

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This chart has been a sanity saver for me. I usually can't afford the yarn patterns call for either, so what I do is google the yarn the pattern calls for, then go to this chart and find out what weight it is if I don't already know. Then I can start the hunt for something that will work.


As for colors.... I generally pick what calls to me lol.

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Thank you everyone for your wonderful advice.


I've decided on 4 projects and I brought the patterns with me to the store. I picked out the colors and the types of yarn based upon the patterns.


I actually finished the scarf and pull-string bag for my sister. I used a multi-toned blue, Lion's Brand Homespun. I don't really like the bag but I LOVE the scarf. I may re-do the bag if I have time later.


I put a hold on the "Crocheting for Dummies" book at the library.


You guys are the BEST!

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