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My bag is in the wash and I'm nervous!


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The first go round didn't show much change so I'm eagerly awaiting the second one. I can't stand the waiting and to wait for it to dry.....that must be pure torture! :eek I just had to post to pass the time before I bite my nails down any futher (I didn't think that was possible)! :lol

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Thanks HappyknitandcrochetFreak!


Well...that was one cool project! My bag is so beautiful! It looks so fuzzy soft. I took a before pic and will be taking an after pic shortly. I think I'm addicted to this. Just when I think I found my niche in crochet, something new pops out at me! I'm grateful I have an understanding husband! Even though we are always broke he never refuses a yarn purchase.


I started to freak out when it didn't look quite right after the first cycle. Then, I had read that you can felt without a pillowcase but you have to gather up all the fiber before you let the water go. Have you ever tried to gather little pieces of fiber in water before? :eek The site I read made it sound so easy but nooooo! You better believe that I had that thing in a pillowcase after that first go round! :lol I'll post a pic as soon as I can!

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:clap :clap :clap


:cheer :cheer :cheer


I am so glad for you, and I cant wait to see the pictures:hug


I also love felting:manyheart


My Bf also lets me buy a lot of yarn,even when we are kind out of money:eek because he knows it make me really, really happy to crochet and knit:manyheart


And I do make him a lot of socks and caps:lol

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The whole felting thing sounds interesting...but I'm cheap and impatient...lol. Why does wool have to be so expensive?


Also I've never understood how cotton yarn can be more than regular yarn...but cotton clothes are always the cheapest...figger that out.

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:yayMy tote came out great. Details/pics in my blog: My first Fulled/Felted Tote!


Why does wool have to be so expensive?


I know! I spent $7 a skein for this tote and used 4 1/2 skeins! It was so worth it though. I love :heart my new bag. It's my new crochet project tote so I can take it everywhere and show it off!

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