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Slip Stitch and Single Crochet



I'm teaching myself how to crochet. I've mastered the chain stitch and I know how to do the slip and single crochet stitch. An example of what I'm trying to do. It says chain three which I do. Then it says slip stitch which I do. Then it says single crochet 6 into the ring. Mine come out looking like knots. I try to pull it loose a little but that doesnt really work.

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Hi! welcome to a whole new world of fun! I taught myself to crochet, too, more than 50 years ago. It takes some practice to get your stitches looking nice and neat, but hang in there and in a few days you'll be looking back at your practice pieces, amazed at how far you've come.


You might find some help here, she has a lot of good tips and explains things nicely for a beginner. You can start at the beginning and work your way thru each step. I often go back to her, just to refresh my mind, even after all these years, I'm still learning new things all the time.


Good luck!.... and be sure to save that little "masterpiece" you create today, to measure your improvements a month from now. I'm sure it will give you a giggle or two.

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I find that sc in a ring is rather bunchy, but...if you keep following your pattern, when you get done the next round, or maybe 2 rounds done if they are all sc, it will not look bunchy.  it will be a bit more tedious crocheting into the sc stitches, but just have alot of patience.  

Is this your first project?  What are you making?


If you keep having difficulty, try doing a swatch of sc stitches....maybe something small to get used to holding onto a small piece you are stitching on.  I would do a ch 12, then sc in 1st ch next to hook, sc in ea st to end.  ch 1, turn, sc in ea stitch, then keep repeating your rows until you are comfortable with where you should be making your stitches.  Make sure you have the same stitch count in each row too. 

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It just takes practice. I never thought I'd be able to make rows and rows of beautiful, even sts, but I can now. Practice and patience, and enjoy the items you make.

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Thanks for the replies. I'm getting better. I found a pattern that only requires chain and single crochet then you just seem it together. Thanks everyone for being so friendly. Some message boards people can be downright rude.:) Here is my first attempt.


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I'm teaching myself how to crochet. I've mastered the chain stitch and I know how to do the slip and single crochet stitch. An example of what I'm trying to do. It says chain three which I do. Then it says slip stitch which I do. Then it says single crochet 6 into the ring. Mine come out looking like knots. I try to pull it loose a little but that doesnt really work.



What you are suppose to be doing is Chain 3 then join them together w/ a slip stitch to form/create a circle (ring) then single crochet 6 into (into the circle you just created.....This person is doing what you are trying to do except instead of doing 6 single crochet they are using a Double crochet.. Hope this helps...Feel free & welcome to ask any question that is what this question area is all about...Sometimes patterns assume you have been crocheting for years and know what they mean..but practice helps..

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