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Hooked on crochet

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I am so mad at them, I started, a pattern from their June 2005 issue, and it is a afghan, and guess what, it is wrong. Called their pattern lady,(really nice) she said, nothing is wrong, I said, oh yes it is, finally got her to admit it, then continued on, and guess what, huge errors, the designer has her gauge off, it was suppose to be 50 X 66, and it works out to be about 66 X 80 +, so of course the border (made with modif) will not fit, have to make more, I am soooooooooo mad. Why why why was this not checked and rechecked before published. That is my question, which I did not get an answer for. :think:eek

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I had ordered a long sweater pattern. Was having trouble when it came to the right side... frog it. months later they send me corrections for the pattern.. Like, to late now used the yarn for something else.....They still do have proof-readers don't they?????:think:rant

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man that sucks, i would be ticked too, i think i would demand they change it. i know often i see a pattern that has been written and i think to myself what the heck, is so many patterns coming out, they don't bother to check most of the time and then will later post a retraction and change about it(course this is after said yarn is done up into something else lol) i am sorry this happened to you:hug :hug

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