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In order to get to my current frustration I have to give some boring background.


In mid 2010 I had one of those life upheaval things. I found myself moving to stay with family and taking my stash just wasn't feasible. During those 6 months I worked 2 jobs to try and get myself back on my feet. I was finally able to move out and into a wonderful new life. Then I ended up having too many irons in the fire and no time for crochet, I kind of lost interest. My poor stash was sitting in storage and going to waste.


A friend of mine was having some money problems and couldn't afford to buy new yarn so I gave it all to her. The only thing I didn't give her were my pattern books, a few scraps, one hook and enough of one color to finish doing an afghan I started years ago.


After giving it all away I suddenly found I wanted to crochet again. No problem there, I had my grey yarn and my hook so I made an afghan for a friend. Then started using my scraps to make something for me.


Monday I started a new job. I took a company car to a different office yesterday. I decided to take my little scrap WIP with me to work on during lunch since I didn't know anyone in the area to have lunch with.


I was almost home and realized I left my crochet in the company car. The office was closed and I don't have a key to it yet to get into the car and get my stuff. Now, I'm sitting here on a day off with nothing to crochet! I'm going to end up having to clean my house because I have nothing better to do! :lol

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I went to dig around to look for something for my daughter in our scary room (the junk room) and found another hook. It's a size bigger then I normally use but it will work. Now I can take my pile of scraps and just start over. Then later I can frog what I had already started and add it to the new one!

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Oh, i know the feeling! Even though I know plenty of people at work, let's just say our personalities don't really mesh, so I just sit at my desk and crochet. That one hour break becomes really important when your job is pretty much getting yelled at all day. When I forget my crocheting project at home I feel like I wasted an hour out of my day!

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Jennifer, I think you and I may be long lost sisters! :P Sounds like some of my days.:)


I don't have one of those days, I am having one of those lives! LOL


First thing this morning I got the keys to the company car, snatched up my little crochet bag, and put it in my car! I'm too tired tonight to crochet but I am very content to know that it is right here beside me if I should suddenly wake up!

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What I do is save up, wait until Joann's has their 25-30% off all yarn sale and use the free shipping code. It's amazing how much yarn you can buy that way. They usually do it once a month.

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So, guess what happened to me today?


The hook that I'm using for my travel project (fingerless gloves for li'l sis) slipped out of the bag, and here I am, all yarned up with no hook on my lunch hour! GRRR!!!


So, I'm looking through pattern books for my next project. Sigh... I was so in the mood to DO something too...

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I can sorta relate ; we built a new home that is going to be our retirement home ( or shall I say hubbies) only worked to years ; and then stayed home to keep our son.

I had to de--stash a lot of books and yarn and material.

I sew , quilt , knit besides crochet .

you can imgaine after 20 some odd years of collecting

it broke my heart to part with quite a bit.

I kept only what i thought I would use .

so, I found some lilac cotton yarn and am now making myself a sweater..

:hugto you . I say go and buy more yarn too . make it a special time ; for you . :hug

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