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63 Wannabe Club


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Hey Merry christmas ! I was working on my gan that I didn't connect for a couple of days I really want to finnish this one to start mine ,I see the blue's and the pinks that I want to buy and with the suport of my hubby helping me buy the yarns I'm even better lol thank God but i need the 3rd color it's going to be either another blue lighter or a cream .I'am working on that . have a clue for the 3rd color?actually the color's that i picked are delft blue and blue berry pie but i need a 3rd color i think it will be a mauve !

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Hi juliekay:hug if I can tell you that I don't know where to go after here :( ,I like that 35 lapghan,:) also the granny flower:lol to tell you the truth I like them all

plus I want to make my 63 afghan in the blues so I will probebly make 2 at the same time mine and my godmother's I don't want to leave her's out .so I'm thinking give me a hint of what to do?I've got to decide before friday because my hubby is going to buy the firt 2 rolls of yarn and i got to get the color's and make up my mind ,Help meeeeee lol:lol :lol :lol I have 2 more lines to go on this one and then the edging and done.Today is going to bed at 3:00 to finnish .:eek :eek :eek:lol :lol :lol

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Hi Julia

Well, I'm not sure where to tell you to go next. I'm glad you want to join us on another one !

I guess the easiest way to help you decide is to tell you a little about each of the patterns.

If you go with the 35 squares, it turns out a little small, about the size of a lapghan ,so if that's the size you want then I'd go for it. Plus, it is actually pretty easy except for one square - it turns out really pretty though when finished .

If you go with the flower garden, the little hexagons you make are REALLY simple and you can crank out several of them in a day . I think the challenge on that one is going to be putting it all together . I am going to try joining it whole rows at a time later today and see how that works out. I'll drop back in here and let you know.

That is sweet of your husband to get the yarn for you. I can't imagine asking my husband to buy my yarn ! He HATES shopping ~~~

If you need to make 2, then I guess you could go with one of each !

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Hi everyone!


Erin, hi and welcome to the thread, this has been so much fun! Can't wait to see progress pics!


Sue and Olga, thanks so much for the encouragement to keep plugging along!


Julie, thanks for the constant inspiration and laughs!

And thanks for posting about your uncle. I'm sorry for your loss, but I know exactly how you feel. I actually had a grandfather that passed away 2 years ago and I realized after he passed that I knew very little about him. I never heard any "when I was young" stories and we lived very close for a long time.


Julia, you are so close (unless you already finished and I missed it)


Progress Report: I got to work on this a bit over the holiday and finished #25. Then I had to go out of order a little because I ran out of 2 colors of yarn and didn't have more with me. So I need to add them all up and see where I am.

Hope to get my own project pics on my blog soon!


Hope everyone had a great holiday, this has been so much fun.

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Hi Tandi! Keep up the good work! 25+ squares is great progress. :)


Oh no, Julia! Deciding what to do next is a difficult task! Perhaps a few days contemplation may help? Maybe hubby can help? Perhaps yarn will inspire you? Either way, both choices will yield a beautiful result. :)

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:clap Hi sue! Yes thinking where to go next !:lol lol because I've got to many choices of what to do next.but one thing that I do know is yes everything come's out so beautiful that that is the problem there's so many nice colores to pick.well lets see what I decide.I am on my last part of this project ,that is the edging.:cheer :cheer :cheer I already put it together,thank God.:manyhearthave a very nice christmas and a happy new year.
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Hi juliekay !you know that's the problem I want to join all of them lolbut I'm going to tell you somethin I was looking at the exagon one and i made like a template to see how to put it together and i've figured it out I hope so I think I'll go with that one for now,even though I dont have the book but I saw the site and I wrote it down and then I figured a pattern on how to put it together so lets see what happends

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sue you know how hubby can help me ?:blush taking me out to eat and then to walmart and suggest the colors to me,:lol :lol dont you think that's a better idea lol:lol :lol :lol :lol


Now THAT sounds like an excellent idea!! :lol


Yay, you're working on the edging!! Can't wait to see you finished 'ghan. This blanket was such a whopper I was soooo glad to be finished. What an achievement!! I'm glad you're on the home stretch. :)


Once I finish edging my 35 grannies, I'll be ready for Grandmothers flower garden. I'll see you there! :)

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Hey I think I have desided for the granny sq's :lol I just loved how this one worked out even though I had a couple of rocks in the way lol :eek but I past them.so get ready get set and start.:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer lol lol lol, Did you guys already start and you are waiting for me to enter?:hug :hug :hug:lol :lol :lol

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hey you know I'm thinking on getting into both 35 granny and the garden flower one so I'll be working hard on both .but I'll put more enfasis on the 35 first and then as I finnish with that one then I'll go wild with the other one.aint that a great idea lol:cheer :lol :lol :lol then use can cheer me off with both lol:hug :hug :hug Well good night for now night night

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Hi Julia


I think that's a great idea ! Neither one of the afghans are really a big challenge- They are both fairly easy to do, and it'd be great to have you in both groups !

The flower garden, I think , is going to be a long project . The little hex's are simple to make, but you have a lot of them to do and the putting it together will be quite a challenge , so it can kinda be your work on it a little at a time project. If you work hard on the 35 , you could have it done fairly quickly though .:hook

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:hug Hi Juliekay I'm stuck on the border today ,I can't get past it, I don't know why I can't figure it out.and yes I'm in for both.:cheer :cheer :cheer I started to bye my yarn so count me in but i'll be checking in as much as I can which I hope every day lol lol:lol :lol :lol .at lease one time a day.Take care girls:hug :hug :hug u all .I'll be working on my border to see if I can finnish the dar gone thing.I want to finnish it.:(
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Hi Tandi -

Good work ! I had to laugh when you said you'd be cranking out some more squares at the inlaws. If I were visiting MY inlaws, ONE of us would be cranking the OTHER one through a MEAT GRINDER ..... :scared

Glad you have good ones though ~~~



What part of the border has you mixed up ? We can try to help you with it -

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