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It sounds like you had a good idea of how to do the afghan ! It's gonna be nice when you have most of the "putting together " done ahead of time !

Can't wait to see your finished afghan .


I am the kind of gal who likes to see results and a pile of sq not sewn together is devistating to me!!!!:eek So I did not work them #1-2-3-4 to say I followed the chart and did it by rows!!!

Besides its keeping our feet warm at night :lol

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Dear Jimmie

Pardon me for laughing, but I went to your blog page to see if you had any photos of your afghan so far. The first thing I read is :




FUNNY !!!!


I don't think you're stupid. I don't even HAVE a blog, so I must be even dumber .



:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

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Dear Jimmie

Pardon me for laughing, but I went to your blog page to see if you had any photos of your afghan so far. The first thing I read is :




FUNNY !!!!


I don't think you're stupid. I don't even HAVE a blog, so I must be even dumber .



:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


No you are smart you didnt fall for blog mania!!! I need to get my pictures up I am soo behind I thought I was ahead for a while!!!:eek I'd much rather be crocheting!!!

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Hehe, you two are silly! :lol


I'm still joining squares! It's going pretty quick but I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to it; there are other projects that need doing! Busy, busy, busy! :P

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Okay, has anyone had problems with #8? There must be one certain step that my brain just cannot grasp. I have toiled for hours for this stupid thing and always end up a stitch or so off. And never the same mistake every time. I keep putting it aside and going on and trying to go back but no luck! There it is, just looming over the other squares I finish, taunting me!

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Hi Tandi

Yes, number 8 is a rough one . What seems to be happening with the square ?Are you having too many or too few stitches, or is it lopsided ? Mine turned out a little lopsided on this one. One thing I needed to do with it was to crochet a little looser than I usually do. It seems the tighter I crocheted, the more it bunched up and wouldn't lay as flat . I am looking at the pattern now trying to figure out where you might be getting hung up . I'm sure rows 1,2 and all the wrong side rows are fine, so it must be the Even numbered rows .. let's see .

Are you making sure you skip the stitches behind the FPDC s ?


When you do the ch 2 and turn, make sure you don't count that as a stitch.

You still need to hd into the first stitch .

You really just have to do each row as specified , making sure that you count the stitches as you go so that they add up to the right amount at the end of each row .

Try those ideas and see if they help... if not , holler.

I'll be out here waiting to see what happens. Do you have any way you can take a photo of your square up close, so I could see the stitches ? Maybe that'd help me figure it out too .

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Hi Tandi, I had trouble with #8 also. My FPdc's weren't lining up properly when I followed the directions so either they're wrong or I was wrong. To get around the error, I studied the picture of #8 and made sure I lined up the FPdc's by eye. In other words, if the FPdc goes over the next FPdc of the previous row, that's where I put it.


A lot of these squares come out kinda wonky until you edge them. The edging helps and then joining them forces everything into shape. I hope this helps some. :)

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Good morning all! :mug I've gotten 3 rows of my 'ghan joined so far. You know, it looks so pretty when the squares start coming together. The wonky sizes haven't been an issue. Call me crazy, but I decided to join with whip-stitch anyway even though I dislike the process. I just wasn't all that pleased with the look of the sl st. Just one of those things. :)

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Don't feel bad, Jimmie Lu! No need to get out the baseball bat...yet! :)


I just took a peek at your blog! Your 'ghan looks terrific! :tup It's nice to put a face with a name!

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Alright, Jimmie --


You asked for it ! No squares in 2 WEEKS ?

Have you been in a COMA ?:think


I will hold you to your request . You said by Monday, you'd have another row done . We'll give you that long ( that gives you a day and a half ) .

Have at least one more square made or the Square Police will have to take action .


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i actually bought the book several years ago and have started the project numerous times, but tend to get bored. I'll go through with it one of these days. I bought all the yarn and everything, but ended up using it on other things :(

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Do you have yarn ?

Do you have a hook ?

Then pick them up

And grab your pattern book .


Stop in here and gab

Then crochet for a spell

Are you stuck? Have a question ?

Just give a yell .


Someone will come to

Your rescue ,no doubt

We're waiting out here

To help you out .


We come from all over

North-East-South and West

But the thing we have in common ......

Crochet is what we like best !:D

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Thanks, Jimmie !


How are you doing this morning ?


Get any more squares done ? You are really on a roll now. I bet you'll be finished before much longer !

I just love your colors ! It is such an original combination . I don't remember, are you making this for yourself or for someone else ?

It reminds me of camping in the woods ,, those same colors !

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