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Would you pay ...

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Charging by hour really depends on the speed of the crocheter.


It reminds me of a girl I worked with in a hair salon. She did beautiful perms. She also took almost 3 times longer than the rest of us to wrap her perms. She wanted to charge at least double of what the salon charged because of the time it took her. The boss wouldn't let her do it.


You can have a slow crocheter who makes beautiful stitches take months to make an afghan that a fast crocheter who makes beautiful stitches can in weeks. The finished product is beautiful because they both make beautiful stitches. Is it justified to charge more because one crochets slower than the other?


To partially answer Amy's question - I use about 3 pounds of yarn for a 4x6 ft afghan without cable stitches. A queen size afghan is almost double that.

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I couldn't spend that much, but it still might be worth it. I am also a quilter and often see quilts selling for over a thousand dollars. (Which I can't afford either.)

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I would spend that much if the quality of the work is that good and it was different. This is the kind of item that you're going to have in your home for a long time.


I too, sell my handmade item. Many are by request. I can also justify the cost because I tend not to use box store yarn. I'm also very picky about craft shows. You must know the market and customer and what they're willing to pay. My afghans range between $150 to $300. I've found over the years, that if you charge to little for finished items, most people tend to think that you used cheap material and won't touch it. The following year (same venue), I doubled the price of my afghans, and sold 10 (avg cost was about $125).


We as crocheters need to take more pride in our work and value the work we do.


Just my 2 cents.

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