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Help with Flamenco Wrap pattern



The pattern is:


and talked about:



I've been wanting to do this pattern for a long time! I finally got some yarn for it yesterday (Dive` Glitter), printed out the pattern, and sat down to play.


Alas, I got completely confused by the instructions.


The pattern says:

"With crochet hook and yarn, make a chain a little longer than desired final length. Make sure the total number of stitches is a multiple of 4+1



Row 1: *Ch 5, sc in 4th ch from hook* across



I understand about the first part (making the chain), it's just the Row 1 instructions. If I follow those as I think I should, I never actually put any stitches into the original chain. From looking at some other patterns, and the pictures, should it be "*Ch 5, sc in 4th ch from starting place* across" (since you're supposed to make loops?)


Any advice is appreciated!

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