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Project CAL - National Crochet Month! (Prize Details Added!)


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Hey there folks!


As a way for Shibaguyz Designz to celebrate:yay National Crochet Month in March, we will host a CAL here in this forum for anyone wanting to work on one of our designs.


Starting March 1st, grab one of our patterns, grab the yarn:yarn and your hooks:hook and I'll check in daily to answer questions and offer help.


Respond here with the project you'll be doing and we'll get the ball rolling on March 1st… that should give everyone enough time to bring everything together!


A full list of my designs can be found HERE or HERE. Let me know if you are having trouble finding a particular pattern and I will do what I can to point the way!


Looking forward to it!


talk to you soon…



Added 02/01/11:




We have just added some FAB prizes for our Shibaguyz Designz CAL! Here's how it will work:


1. Everyone who enters ANY PROJECT PHOTOS from one of the designs from Shibaguyz Designz will be entered into a general drawing. All you have to do is post photos of your work in progress and you will be entered.


2. Anyone entering showing photos of a design from Shibaguyz Designz being WORKED ON IN PUBLIC will be entered in another drawing. Your photo must show the place where you are stitching, the project and the pattern… oh… and you in the photo since you'll be the one stitching. This, of course, will be or a larger prize.


3. Anyone entering showing photos of them WEARING IN PUBLIC a design from Shibaguyz Designz will be entered in another drawing. Again, your photo must include you wearing the piece and the public place. If you have chosen one of our afghans…*well…*you can't really WEAR that…*but you can take a photo of you posing with the afghan in public so we'll count that too.


4. Crazy category! There will be a 4th prize in a 4th category that we will announce after the start of the CAL.


Prizes will be chosen by random number generator and will be announced here in the CAL thread at the conclusion of the CAL on April 1st.


Prizes to be included are goodies like yarn, crochet kits, handspun yarn, patterns, books and a pony (not really…*just seeing if you are paying attention).

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Those were so much fun to design! I have a small collection of such high tops (some custom made) so they asked me to do something like that for them. Too fun!


That's a great CAL project as well and you can get the free pattern from HERE.


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  • 1 month later...

i'm going to try delicata. i am going to a crochet class on saturday with my grandma and have been looking for something to make there, and delicata looks perfect for that! i already have some slight modifications in mind because i can never seem to stick to a pattern, but i'm really excited to try this...i'm going to start right now while visiting my grandma. she knits and i crochet, so we like to work on projects together. :D

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