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How much change to have at a Craft Fair

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Ok I'm wondering does anyone know how much change to have at a Craft Fair for example how many rolls of pennies, dimes, and quarters and how many 1's,5's,10, and maybe 20s.

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price things so you only need quarters for coin change. A lot will depend on prices...are mostly in $5 dollar increments? Then you don't need quite as many $1 as you would if you have items priced at $16!


Farmers market, selling produce, we always had to have full compliment of money, but we never had $20's to start the day. $1/5/10's and no 10's if you have lots of $5. Doesn't hurt to keep some spare change.

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I would take more than you think you'll need it can go back into the bank at the end of the day. better to have extra change than to lose a sale.I would go with fives,tens no twenties chances are you'll need smaller than bigger....two tens instead of a twenty....beware of other vendors looking for change or be prepared to be a bank lol

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Considering I along with hubby Independnt contract for a ice cream company driving around selling to neiborhood


our prices vairy from 1 dollar up to 3. so you need to be sure to keep enough in your till. to cover change... First you need to consider.. are you goin to excpt 50's and 100's


if no. then you will want lots of ones. mabey start off with 60 in ones.. 20 in 5's and mabey 40 in 10's?

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