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Help with Bernat Toddler Hoodie Pattern


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Hello everyone,


This is the first time i am attempting to crochet a sweater hoodie. I am still a little rusty after years of not crocheting. I really need help with this pattern. So far i have been able to get past the foundation row....i crocheted the first two rows and when i went to count the stitches to make sure i was on target i kept getting 52 stitches and it says that i should end up with 51. I don't understand where i could be increasing in a stitch :eek. I am guessing maybe it is where i start the rows i just want to clarify: Row 1 & 2: sc in first sc is it the first single crochet after the chain space or do i sc in the stitch where the turning chain is?


I would appreciate any help anyone can give me on this pattern. Thank you all in advance.

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You are probably doing a ch1 to turn. Sometimes this ch1 counts as the first stitch. If it does, then your first sc would be in the second stitch. How ever you decide to count these first stitches, make sure you always do it the same way. Patterns don't always tell you if the turning chain counts as the first stitch or not. If not, I usually do what makes the count right. Just be consistant. You can also check to make sure you counted right in the beginning chain.

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Usually in sc, the chain one does not count as the first st (at least for something like this). So it may be possible that you added one too many stitches at the end of an early row? If this is the pattern I think it is, then the turning ch-1's don't count as a stitch. try that.

If you chain 52, and sc in the second chain, and each chain, you should have 51 sc. so far so good....

Ch 1, turn, sc in first st. usually means just that, sc in the first st past the turning chain. When you come to the end of the row, don't sc in the turning chain, only in the regular sc's. Essentially the turning chain gets you to the height needed for the next row, it doesn't count as a stitch in the rows.

Does that help?

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