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I'm 56 years (young! LOL) and the older I get, the more I realize how little I know. It's humbling; but there are some things I'll NEVER figure out. Part of me would be thrilled to pieces to see one of my "labors of love" (crocheted gifts) proudly displayed in a loved one's living room to be seen and used EVERY day. Another part of me would CRINGE as I watched the dog dig into all those stitches I worked so hard to complete. But, having said all that, I think I'd be even more hurt/upset/distressed if I ever found out my gift was hidden away in a closet and NEVER used or appreciated.


After crocheting for years and giving away HUNDREDS of afghans, hats, scarves, baby items, etc. I've come to the conclusion that some people will "ooh and aah" over your work and truly APPRECIATE what you've given them, and others have NO CLUE about the time, attention, and love that goes in to a hand-crafted gift. That's just the way it is, like many things in life. I LOVE to crochet, and I'll keep it up (God willing) for the rest of my life; it's a blessing for me, and one I love to share with my family and friends.


Juli from Texas


What Juli said! I couldn't have said it better myself.


I have a great friend who never really "got it" when it comes to crochet. When we were younger I crocheted an afghan for her first daughter. Of course they thanked me and the afghan was appreciated and used.


Fast forward to April of 2009. We were invited to first daughters wedding. Later in the evening my friend Martha turned to me and said "you know, Ashley still has that afghan you made for her". I swear I still get choked up thinking about it because there was something different in her tone at that moment. After all that time the afghan had come to mean something special to her as well.


Don't give up, sometimes it just takes some people a little longer to "get it". :hug:hook

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I once had a cross stitch gift quickly tossed aside by a thoughtless young mother. I decided right then that I would very carefully consider the recipient before giving my hand made items away. It was an eye opening experience for sure. Sadly, some folks don't appreciate store bought gifts either. Some folks I just don't give to.:ohdear

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It's always a risk giving our handmade things. Even if the recipient seems to love it at the time. I'm frequently on the other side of this. FIL is in to woodworking and is always giving hand made things but, well, they usually aren't things I would ever display. I used to just haul out a couple of items when they would visit, we don't live close. But I did recognise the fact that he would want to see the gifts being used even if I thought they were tacky. (DH thinks they are cool). They are too old to travel now so I keep them put away.

But they are also known to pack away stuff they think is nice to "preserve" it forever. We have been given some nice old things and a nice quilt, made 50 some years ago and still in a plastic bag! They occasionally clear out the attic. DH won't let me display them! Must keep them perfect. What are we saving them for? I'm not going to let the dogs use it!

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