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Serial Crafter Woes

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I am a Serial Crafter. You know, one of those who enjoys more than a single craft. This sounds fabulous until I am pulled this way and that by my various interests. Here I have projects begun in crochet, knitting, embroidery and... well, I need to do some plain old alterations of my clothing and even a little dressmaking for myself. How to choose? Where to spend my time? A little on each? Monogamy on each project until done? Sigh. The choices can be overwhelming.


Should I finish the lovely knitted scarf I have going for my MIL? Or maybe get the 4-year-long embroidered pillowcases done for our bed? Perhaps instead I ought to think about Daughter No. 1's birthday coming up in July. But... that scarf for MIL is due in August for her birthday. Awkkkkk... And then there are grands, eight of 'em, all through the year. And Christmas? How about the sock critter book I bought thinking I would sew sock critters for each of them before they get too old to enjoy them? My fingers itch for the hook, the knitting needles, embroidery needles and sewing machine in turn — or all at once, LOL. Just when I think I'll settle to a single craft for a while I am distracted by another. And oh, wouldn't it be fun to learn tatting? Or woodworking? Oh, or maybe I ought to try some quilting again...


My head aches. Helppppppppp!!!!!!!



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I am with you, I love to do several crafts and I would love to learn to Tat, but can't find anyone to show me, I have to have visual..... I usually just do what feels good at the time, I do spend more time crocheting then anything else, but will be doing sewing this weekend as I am making curtain toppers for my sisters new vacation home..... jsut go with what you "feel" like doing,,, good luck on your choice...

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I have the same problem, except for tatting. My best friend tats and will do those items for me. I haven't gotten to learn quilling yet and I have the goodies here for it.

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Oh my gosh you could be my twin. I have crochet, knit, embroidery and sewing projects all going right now with several of each type in queue. I also just bought a book and DVD on tatting a couple months ago but have not yet tackled it. Oh, and I want to start quilting too :lol


I generally work best on a deadline, therefore projects that need to be done soonest get worked on first, unless....I find something challenging to distract me. Serial crafting is a good term. I've called it Craft ADD until now. The deadline thing also means that things made for me will never be finished. My pillowcases to embroider (with matching dresser scarf) were started almost two years ago.


My current active projects are:


crochet afghan (wedding present)

monogrammed pillowcases (wedding present)

2 rompers to sew (for friend's baby)

2 nightgowns to sew (for my daughter)

child's apron to sew (birthday present)

crocheted cupcakes (birthday present)


My inactive or not yet started projects are:


quilt for my son's birthday

afghan for my bed

pillowcases and dresser scarf (embroidery)

doily for my mom's birthday

baby afghan for my 16-month old daughter

pillowcase dresses to sew for my daughter

approx. 6 outfits to sew for my daughter before she outgrows the largest size of the patterns I bought for her (which means they need to be done this summer)

approx. 20 needlefelted rose pins to make for friend's fundraiser

set of needlefelted Christmas ornaments

2 counted cross-stitch project

not-yet-designed silk embroidered wall hanging


None of this includes holiday gifts and few include the insane amount of patterns I have amassed (sewing, crochet, etc.). Sometimes it seems really overwhelming, but I try to pick one thing to work on each day. If it's something that can be made in a day (like a small sewing project) I save it for the weekend so I can get it done in one day.


Oh, and I'm not allowed to peruse the craft books at the craft and fabric stores. I get into trouble that way. :D

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