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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Well that just made me laugh out loud! Did you see the ice skate ornaments that I posted a link to the other day? I made a couple last night. I had to change the pattern a little though. They are really cute!

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that horsey sounds like fun!


I forgot to tell you guys that my Krissy followed her first pattern last week... she made an Ami pumpkin! it is the cutest thing ever! ...and my mom asked her for one! I said, we could add it to her Christmas list :rofl

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WTG, Krissy!! That's great! Is it the one from LB? That one is really cute. I made 2 candy corns and started a ghost this week.

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I can't remember which pattern she used... it had little black safety eyes and a stitched on smile.... she likes googly eyes, so she used them instead.


I had forgotten how instant the gratification is by making ami's... I like them!

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I can't find the safety eyes I need anywhere. And I can't figure out how to stitch a mouth on. That's why I didn't finish the ghost. But I did have fun making the candy corn, and DD loved them! I guess I'll stick with faceless amis.

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I better go. I think DD's getting tired (finally). It has been so nice chatting with you! I missed you this week! Good luck with PTO this week. Give all your chickens hugs for me! Good night!

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He is hunting this weekend, but he comes home at night. He cut his hand pretty good this morning. He didn't have a first-aid kit with him, so he had to put a sock around the cut to go to the store to get bandages. He should've gone and gotten stitches. It's deep.

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:hi and Good morning everyone!

Shannon- WTG to Sis! :clap Good luck to her today in the horse show. DH should keep an eye on that cut- make sure he keeps it clean and since he didn't get stitches maybe he should use those steri strips to pull the cut together. I always am concerned about infection in cuts- keep an eye on it, ok?


LeaAnne- Sounds like you had fun with your own stay up over with your Mom and I'm so glad that Jeanne is doing well. Enjoy your "good luck" meal with her today while you watch some football! :cheer


I'm thinking of doing the flannelghan for DH and maybe one for DD's BF. I don't think I have enough skeins of the same 2 colors though. But I do have a ton of yarn. How many oz did you end up using on yours? Directions say 5 - 7 lbs of each color. It's too early in the morning to do the math on how many oz/skeins that is! :think And this will be the first time using 2 skeins together so that will be a challenge. I love the way they look though- so manly---or not----depending on the colors chosen!


Well, the rain has gone away and the :sun is coming out. It would have been nice if it had stopped about 10 hours earlier.... but glad it is a nice day for the wedding. I plan on relaxing this AM and will look through my :yarn stash to see what I want to start.


Welcome back from the land of the princesses, Colleen! Can't wait to hear all about it!


Stacy- how is DH's eye doing this morning. Is it still there? :roflBe careful - it is contagious! How is Isabella doing today?


Mary- I can't wait to see the pic of the afghan you finished. You do such awesome work!


Beth- I'm sure you are on:c9 now that DH is back home. Did you do anything fun last night?


Vicki- How was movie night with the fam? Glad to hear that DH is feeling better :yes and I'll hope that the JETS win to keep him feeling better! DD's costume sounds great!!!


Have a wonderful day everyone!:hug

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Good Morning, all!


The weather is gorgeous here today, too!:clap I have to do some quick clean up this morning and decide what project to bring to Nanny Jeanne's, we will be heading up there around noontime.... after Halloween costume shopping, of course! I can't wait to see what everyone wants to be. they have all changed their minds a bunch of times already:lol


Joanne - I used just under 5 pounds for mine, and it fits my couch. If you are using RedHeart, it's 6 skeins of 1 color, and 4 of the other. I used 2 Bernat pounders and 6 skeins of RedHeart. don't be scared of the 2 strand. Once you get the hang of the tension, it's fun to do!


Shannon - thanks for the chat last night... it was so much fun! Sorry to hear about DH's hand... that must be feeling sore today:(


Vicki - I hope DH and DD are continuing to feel better today. Good luck with the news from the doctor about the MRI... have they figured out how/if the truck can be fixed?


Hey, Mary! Congrats on the Gold medal in the Stashbusting CAL! :clap:cheer:dance:ttalk


:hi to Beth, Stacy, Colleen, Scooby and Jenn! Happy Sunday, girls!!!

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