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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Stacy, that's a good idea about the books! You might want to see if American Girl has anything like that. Be careful though. When my sister was 8 or 9, my dad got her a book called The Care and Keeping of You, by American Girl. The pictures are so graphic that Mom hid the book, and didn't show it to her until this year. She's 17!:lol If you have a girls' night out, have fun! I'm sure she'll really be excited about it now that you've had a shower!:devil

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Wow! What a busy day here with such great advice! Nothing more that i can add that hasn't already been said!! Hugs to everyone!!! I know how much Beth is waiting for DH to come home (and sorry the plane is delayed)


Hugs to Stacy and Isabella (she sounds like she may be a perfectionist) and I think it is great to have alone time with her and praise her to the hilt! It is hard having 3 daughters close in age ....been there....and special time with each one is so important. I know it's hard to find the time and someone to watch the other 2 but my DD's still remember things that they each got to do with me alone! Hugs, Hugs and more hugs and praise for the little things. I don't put fringe on every scarf- I just got tired of this one so the fringe will make it longer! I'm on the fence about it to. I love he way it looks, but sometimes just don't feel like the hassle of doing it. My Rutgers scarf didn't get fringe, I edged it in SC in white instead!


Shannon- good luck to sis at the horse show! And hope you make it through being single again. lol


LeaAnne- I thoroughly enjoyed your post and it amazes me how you responded to every one in a such a personal way after being away for a short while. How's the PTO going? (And yes, the Yanks want to win it at home) Of course, it has started raining and they are forecasting rain again tomorrow so we'll see.


Mary- hope you had a great day!


Colleen- can't wait to hear all about your fantabulous vacation..


Vicki- hope the MRI went well and hugs to DH. How is DD feeling? My team leader was in a car accident on the way to work this AM. She was slammed from behind. Quite shaken up- she was taken to the ER and she'll be ok, nothing broken, just alot of pain. She had just gotten her "new" truck about a month ago. She was about 5 min from work when it happened.


It was a long week and little sleep thanks to the baseball games (my own fault for watching...lol) I put the laundry on when I got home and it's in the dryer now.


Hugs again to everyone...time to grab a bite to eat....and once again.....not cooking....lol...DH stopped by his DD's on the way home and she invited him to stay for dinner. So I don't have to worry about him asking what's for dinner.:D


Have a good night- If I'm still up I'll stop in for the chat...but I think my body and brain are telling me I need a good night's sleep!

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:eek:eek:eek What time is chat??? I can't remember!! Is anyone joining me tonight? If it starts at 8 my time I'll be a little late! I do hope someone will be here to talk to!!:manyheart
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Hi all! I thought more people would be here for chat! Oh, well. I just wanted to let you know that hubby had his MRI but we need to wait until he goes back to the doctor to get the results. DD went back to the doctor today and he ordered x-rays of her neck. He said if it were whiplash that was botherig her neck she would feel it more on the sides of her neck, but most of her pain is at the back. Then he took her out of PE and tae kwon do for 2 weeks. She was okay with the PE, but was practically in tears about the tae kwon do! We had to drown her sorrows in chocolate ice cream!

Beth - I hope your hubby gets home soon!

Shannon - Have fun at the horse show! I hope your sister does well!

Stacy - Let me know how your big girl day with Isabella goes! She will be so excited!

Joanne - Will the weather be cold up there tomorrow? That may work to the Yankees advantage. LET'S GO YANKEES!

Leanne - I hope you are having a great day and that all the fundraiser stuff is going well!

I will be around for a little bit in case anyone comes to chat!



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Stacy, that's a good idea about the books! You might want to see if American Girl has anything like that. Be careful though. When my sister was 8 or 9, my dad got her a book called The Care and Keeping of You, by American Girl. The pictures are so graphic that Mom hid the book, and didn't show it to her until this year. She's 17!:lol If you have a girls' night out, have fun! I'm sure she'll really be excited about it now that you've had a shower!:devil


Thanks for the heads-up, Shannon! I know someone who bought that book for her 8 year-old and she didn't seem phased by it. She said some of it was probably above her daughter's head but she gave it to her, to read when she was curious. :shrug I looked on Amazon and found 2 so far that sound good.


We ended up not going out tonight. We will do it tomorrow, hopefully. But she helped me make the tutu and do some other stuff around here, and she pushed Eva's stroller home from school, which she always wants to do. I made sure to tell her what a huge help that was since I can't really push anything right now. :wink


Mia's costume arrived today and she already can't find the boot covers. :rolleyes They're around here somewhere.


I dropped by for chat but there were no lights on, so I went to get dinner instead. Hope you all have a great night!

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DD's asleep, DH is watching House of Payne, and I'm having a hard time typing because I'm making one of those scarves! It's pretty funny. Excuse any typing mistakes, please.

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She seems fine. She also mentioned that Jorge said she rides her bike too slow. :sigh So I think we have some work to do.


too cute that Janna wanted to go trick-or-treating!

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Oh! The hand-knitted scarves. :lol I had no idea what scarves you kept talking about. LoL Jorge and his friend are doing a live fantasy basketball draft. What a dork.

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I wouldn't worry too much about her now. If she keeps on about it, then yes. But I remember being "moody" every now and then when I was little. Heck, I still get moody!! It could be that someone said something at school that rubbed her the wrong way. You never know.

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Please don't think that I don't think what she's going through is important. Something just may have triggered it, that's all.


Yes! These scarves are super easy! I'll probably finish while we're chatting, and I'll post a pic! She would be able to do it. It's really cool. It would be a great thing for her to make her friends for Christmas presents.

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Don't worry, I don't think that at all. It could very well be something she overheard or whatever. I told Roomie about it and she said that her daughter told her something very similar yesterday, which of course I knew because I heard it. So she may well just be trying to see my reaction. She does get really down on herself sometimes, though.

Are you using the Hometown USA for the scarves?

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:yes Yes, and it is so soft! I'm using two strands. I think I'll make them for all the girls on my Christmas list! I'm almost finished with this one.


What are you guys doing this weekend?

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Cool! I can't wait to see it. I actually just tried one using the LB Big I was planning to use for the dog bed (I didn't have enough.) It is so easy!


We're not doing much. Jorge has some reading to do for school and I really want to rest. Actually...I want to go looking for that yarn! :rofl Then I want to rest.


Do you have any plans?

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Just my sister's horse show. It's tomorrow and Sunday. Then Mom's taking DD and I'm going to come home and clean, clean, clean! And watch the Saints game, of course! DH will be in the woods all weekend.


I think I would wait in line for 30 minutes for this yarn. I really like it. I don't know what else I would do with it though. It's a 6, super bulky.


How did the tutu come out? Who was it for again?

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