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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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That's alright Joanne. Shake it off....shake it off. We're bringing it home, baby!!


Vicki- What time does DH go in for the MRI tomorrow? I'll be praying for you guys. Let us know as soon as you know something. :hug

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Stacy- Men can be so goofy! If my DH ever said anything about feeling like a single parent, I'd be like, "That can be arranged if you really want to experience it.":devil

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Shannon- I'm trying to shake it off....we will win it in the Bronx on Saturday...and i'm sick of the Angels walking A-Rod- enough with that already..


I want to manage the game- why was AJ Burnett left in? And what about Swisher- he hasn't been hitting at all- Gardner should have been playing- let's see what he can do.


Oh, well, another game Saturday night- and it's time to get my 5 hours of sleep...lol...


Stacy- enjoy the rest of your evening ....and good for you not dealing with roomies kids. BF should get off his phone and get inside and do what he's supposed to do!

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Ugh! I don't want to talk about it. I've had to start clearing out other rooms to make room for all the junk in that room. Yuck!!

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I'm glad you're feeling better. If it weren't for all those thorns in your side (roomie's b/f, etc.) you'd be feeling like a million bucks!


We're moving DD into that room, so things will be switched around. But DH moved my craft cabinet to where it will be staying, so I can finally start filling that up.

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How neat about your craft cabinet! That sounds like fun. Is there going to be a "theme" for dd's room?


Roomie actually has kept her kids away from the house for the past 2 days. Maybe she realized I needed rest? :devil Anyway her youngest was scream/crying tonight and I told her she had to leave my kids' room if she was going to act like that. She stopped, but the second the b/f came inside, she started up again. So I shut my kids' door, put on a movie, and let them watch it while falling asleep. Then I shut my door and have had peace and quiet since. :manyheart

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NICE!! What movie did the girls watch?


DD's room will be pinks and greens. I have to pick out wallpaper for one wall. Three walls are paneling and one is flat and has always been wallpapered.:think She has a wall hanging with her name on it that has pinks and greens, and a little rocking chair too. I can see it in my mind, but actually making it happen is another story, you know what I mean?

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That sounds really pretty! The little rocking chair sounds adorable.

My mom did my room in pink and green once when I was gone away to band camp. :lol

I definitely know what you mean- it's always so much easier to imagine it and be able to see it in your head, than to make it actually look that way! LoL

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It was pretty. She did sponging around the ceiling and everything. I never liked the color combo before that.


And, no, I don't have lots of "band camp stories." I wasn't really in the cool group. :blush I did play the flute, though. :rofl Were you in any activities in HS?

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I was beyond not cool. I wasn't in any activities. I did play beach volleyball in 9th grade, but it wasn't really a school sport, and a junior was our coach.

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Ugh, I hated volleyball! Were you good at it? We had to play in phys. ed. Have you seen Chicken Little, where it's "popular vs. unpopular?" That's what our gym always looked like. HS sucked in that respect. I wish I could go tell all the teenagers right now that it won't matter 20 years from now if they can't hit the ball. LoL

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Oh, heck no! I wasn't good at all. I :manyheart Chicken Little. I know what you mean. When you're living it, you think that's all that matters. I only talk to maybe three people from HS now. People change. I guess that's life!

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I know- I have 2 people from HS on my FB but that's it. I do have one person I've been friends with since we were 2 or so...our moms went to school together and all. She moved to a different city a bunch of times but always moved back to where we lived. LoL


How are your pillows coming along?

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I had to do my Walmart shopping the other day (which I hate!) and it turned out to be a great trip. First, they had egg nog, which I love! Then I found Reese's pumpkins, which are just like the eggs for Easter! That's the only time I eat Reese's, until now!! Yay!

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They're not. I'm almost finished the ghost and the pumpkin for the Halloween one. I can't figure out how to do the faces. French knots and embroidery are not for me.


Have you seen the new LB Hometown USA yarn? It's so soft. I'm going to get some tomorrow to make those scarves with.

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I :manyheart Target shopping. The Wal-marts out here just have ridiculous amounts of people. The lines are always at least 1/2 hour long, seriously.

I'm afraid to try eggnog. Jorge's aunt makes it homemade every year...it seems a little creepy to me. Those Reese's, though- :drool!!

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:eekYou've never had egg nog!:eek You should try it. It doesn't taste like scrambled eggs or anything.:lol


I love Target too, but it's too far away. So Walmart it is!

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