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Christmas goal..

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I was just sitting here thinking of what charities I would contribute to this holiday season..there are NO many out there and I'm always overwhelmed. Many people make hats, afghans, gloves, etc.....even my grandmother makes afghans for the homeless. Last year she donated nearly 40 of them in my hometown. This year..our first Christmas in the United States...we are still trying to adjust to the cost of living and being in America in general. Of course I want to do something..that is what the holiday is all about...I will contribute to our military charities as usual. BUT, I had to find something that would work up quick..and I found it! I'm so excited! After I finish my washcloth order, I'm going to make some of these. My goal is to donate 50 to the local VA hospital for the Christmas season. I'm also working on some other ideas for quick, but useful items.



So..what is everyone working on as far as charities are concerned for the holidays?


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Donna, what a great idea! I had never seen those totes before, but what a superb project! One of my dogs and I are an animal assisted activites team with the Delta Society and we visit a nursing home twice a month (we visit other places, too--we love to visit the state school for the deaf and blind because the kids love to play and touch the dogs). There are so many people living there with walkers and wheel chairs, and this would be a great gift idea! Thanks for posting the link!


I've alread finished 1 Warm Up America square and started on a second last night. And I'd like to get a Project Linus blanket or two done for Christmas as well. Depends on my work schedule this fall, though.



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Well right now I'm finishing up (well not right at this moment cuz I'm am on the puter hehe) the afghan to Pine Ridge to go with the hats I have made and will make some more hats for there plus the ones for the vets (5 People). I am right in the middle of a premmie blanket too.

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We participate in Operation Christmas Child every year. Usually each member of my family does a box, plus our Homeschool Support Group does a big Christmas party to make up boxes. I'm going to crochet the washcloths for all the boxes this year, plus I'm thinking of handmaking the stuffies (stuffed animals) for the boxes. I'm still on the look out for patterns for small animals.


The children that get these boxes usually have never celebrated Christmas before. We always put in school supplies (a new pencil is a wonderous thing when you've never had one before), basic tolietries (always a big tube of toothpaste and 2 new toothbrushes) and a few small toys. And always a stuffie. The workers who hand out the boxes say that the children will tell their new stuffies things that they can't tell other's.


So, that's my next project.

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I'm making hats, baby blankets, etc. for the local domestic violence shelter. It's not really for Christmas, per say, just for the cold Illinois winter coming up.

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I try to pick a new charity each year. Two years ago I made hats for the homeless. Last year I made mittens and donated them to local schools and hospitals. This year I am going to make items for premature babies such as hats, blackets, and sad to say, but burial gowns as well. It just gives me such great pleasure to help those in needs. I have never seen that listing before and will definately have to keep them in mind. Those are neat little totes.

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