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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Welcome home Vicki- and the Yankees are on a tear! Tonight Andy Pettite is pitching against John Lester. Weather here has cleared up- but it is very humid! Nothing like what Colleen is having in Ontario, however- Be careful Colleen if you go public swimming today- with a tornado watch and all---Oh and BTW- the tablerunner is gorgeous-ness- love that color combo!!!


We are supposed to have another Angel Bowling tournament today- fingers crossed that the game goes on tonight @8...and fingers crossed it doesn't go for 5 1/2 hrs- I have to be up early in the AM for work!


We went out for a late breakfast this AM- a cafe called Sweet Lou's Cafe- we've been meaning to try it- it was yummers!- We both had pancakes- so light and fluffy and the prices were perfect-ness! We then went to AC Moore and I picked up 10 skeins of yarn- got all different colors since I'm planning to do a multi colored granny ghan for middle DD for Christmas. We are back home now and Ive got the 2nd load of laundry in the dryer and the 3rd in the washer. The living room is vacuumed and dusted and the family room....well, it now has 10 extra skeins of yarn that I have to figure out where I'm going to put them.


LeaAnne- glad that your sister was ok with everything and Thursday sounds like a good time to exchange gifts (plus it gives you more time to finish the sunflower ghan- how is it coming? I'm sure Beth will get a kick out of all the driving to and fro you did yesterday. I sure don't miss those days at all!


Stacy- how's the packing coming? I know you'll be busy the next few weeks- and when are you leaving for MI again?


Mary- hope you are having another wonderful day with DS!


Shannon- Love the joke- I'll have to share it with DH when he returns from Wally World-


Have a good rest of the Sunday all......:hug

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Welcome home, Vicki! :hug Sounds like you are happy to be at YOUR home with YOUR things! :lol


Colleen, your table runner is beautiful! Great job. :cheer Enjoy your family time. Yikes @ the tornado weather! I remember that all too well and I can say I do not miss it at all. :xfin that the weather doesn't get worse. Btw, how is your mom feeling today?


Joanne, the cafe sounds like :c9. What a great deal on your yarn. :yarn Hope the bowling tournament doesn't mess up your game!


Leanne, I'm glad your sis was ok with you not going. Have fun exchanging gifts on Thursday. I can't wait to see a photo of that afghan. (hint, hint...:devil) Hope you are having a great day. :hug


:hi Shannon! That is weird about your Crochet Today. Is there an 800- number you can call to ask them about it?


We got up bright and early to move some stuff. The older girls stayed with my IL's last night, so that was a huge help. We got about 15 boxes moved, plus most of the girls' furniture, and a bookshelf for our room. I also cleaned out my desk and moved most of the stuff from the drawer (except the bills, which we will keep here until we come back from our trip and can be at the house full-time.) I got the girls' room mostly arranged and the beds made, while youngest dd ran all over the place. She is so happy to have room to run. :manyheart We are resting now so we will have energy for the b/day party. Neither of us wants to go though- we want to keep moving. :blush:lol We are only planning to stay for about 2 hours, then come home to pack more which I will hopefully be able to move while dh is at work tomorrow.

I am off to take a shower. Have a great night!


Oh, btw, Joanne- we are leaving from MI on Thursday morning, which I am now not looking forward to. :ohdear My mom is starting her drama again and I had to tell her to lay off today. :blush





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Good evening ladies!


I think I have a sinus infection. I'm okay right now, but my dad came to get DD for me earlier, and she's staying over there tonight. I've been resting, and now I'm watching the game. Yes, I can finally actually see it!


I'll probably be back in a little while. I just wanted to check in. Love ya!:manyheart

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:(Sorry that you are not feeling well, Shannon... get some rest and feel better soon:hug


:nworthy Stacy! You got so much done!:cheer I hope you ended up having fun at the party! ...and :wink for telling mom to "cool her jets" You have a lot on your plate right now:yes

I am here :cheer for you, and remember to leave some time to relax on your vacation, ok?


Joanne and Vicki - Hi! Hope you are enjoying the game... I must confess I am kind of afraid to watch:blush I am watching the Bills vs. Titans instead.


HI, Beth, Colleen, Mary, Scooby and Jenn... I hope your Sunday was spendiferous:hug


I am still plugging on this 'ghan... it's coming along at a :snail pace.

:shrug Oh well, Maybe I am being a bit of a perfectionist?:blush Or maybe I just keep getting sidetracked... either way, I am needing to light a big :fire under my :hook

(I need to :remember to get this pattern written down before I give it as well.) I promise to share :photos as soon as I :remember to buy camera batteries:rolleyes I am very proud of this one!:yes


Have a great evening, all! I will see you tomorrow :ghug

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Shannon- Sorry to hear that you may have a sinus infection- rest up and you may need to see MD for antibiotics if you do have one.


Well, LeaAnne, that was quick--Sox didnt score and score is still tied 0-0

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Stacy- WTG on all you got done today, plus a party to go to! That was nice of your IL's to take the two oldest--it does make it easier with only one child around. Sorry your Mom is giving you drama again---and that was good for you telling her to lay off. I know my DD's dont' hesitate to tell me if I'm overstepping my bounds- sometimes it's hard to keep our mouths shut since in a mother's eyes, the kids are still the kids---even when they are all grown up. I try not to butt into what my DD's are doing- it's their lives to live as they feel is best is for them.


Anyway, Yankees are back up and already one out-


Back to my bestie square- only one more row left and I'm done with them!!! Just wanted to take a small break and say hi


Hope everyone has a great rest of the night

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:yes It was pretty good... and quiet:c9

It seems my next door neighbor ran out of gas... so there was no "gangsta rap" blaring over the fence today :whew... it was beginning to get on my nerves:angry


How bout you?

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DD just sent me a twitter- that she's forgotten what its like to see the Sox win or to even score a run- and then what do you know? They scored! She was hoping to see that before her birthday on 8/17- so I guess she did!

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My day was good- I also got 4 skeins of Bernat Satin at ACM today- on clearance for $1.00/skein. I even bought envelopes today at the $ store so I can send out the squares- but first I have to wash them (what's the best way?) and then I want to write everyone a note- plan is to mail them next week when we get back from Baltimore.

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