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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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We are implementing a new software system. It's really kind of interesting (and I am not a computer person, I'm a nurse). Everything needs to be tested and re-tested and workflows created and tested and re-tested.

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Not sure if Shannon is still here- I see she said DH was coming home tonight. But I noticed the same thing with the colors I'm using on the square- the one color does seem a little thinner than the other.....


And....Wonky doesn't bother me, Shannon! WE love you as you are!

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Wow! 7! that's awesome, Joanne!


Colleen - I am with you, but my kids don't agree :lol


I am almost done with sis' 'ghan, but it's not going to be ready for tomrrow, which is ok. We will all be together next week when Uncle Art comes for a visit. He is bringing my cousin who I haven't seen in at least 15 years:clap that will be fun.

I think I am not going to the roasting of the pig tomorrow... it doesn't start until too late: around 5. we have to drive an hour and a half to get there, and would have to stay too late to make it worth it. sleeping over is out of the question, as we have the dog. :(

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Colleen- So what's on the agenda for tomorrow with the visitors? You may have said already, and if so, I apologize for asking again


LeaAnne- did you get the sunflower ghan done for your sister?

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I agree... wonky is character in my book!:c9


I need to run out tomorrow for camera batteries, so I can show you girls.

I am really proud of this one! She is going to be blown away when she gets it (I hope)

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I guess I was typing when you said the ghan wasn't done yet.


I don't blame you for not going to the pig roast if it doesn't start till 5 and you have to drive that distance.


Anyway, the Yanks/Sox are on tomorrow at 4

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Yes, please get camera batteries LeaAnne. I really like the pattern and I can't wait to see what you've done with it.


Joanne, I have no idea what is on the agenda. My DH's family do not have agenda's (my family does). :shrug DH is golfing, so I'm on my own. I am going to visit my mom quick in the morning (she had a very bad fall off her bike the other day), then I am taking DD to visit her cousins probably. We are going to visit friends tomorrow evening, so it will be a very big day!

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I guess I was typing when you said the ghan wasn't done yet.


I don't blame you for not going to the pig roast if it doesn't start till 5 and you have to drive that distance.


Anyway, the Yanks/Sox are on tomorrow at 4


I know, right? What were they thinkin'? They are NASCAR fans, so we are in 2 different zones, so to speak:lol

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I have to make sure that I get up early and get all the cleaning done so I can watch the game tomorrow.


Forgot to tell you ...DH got accepted to Quinnipiac Univ for Master's Certificate in HealthCare Compliance- there are only 2 universities in the country that offer it. He can do it online- he is very excited and has now decided that we shouldn't move until he finishes- it will take about a year. I am happy for him.

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Colleen- it does sound like a busy, but fun day. I hope your mom is ok- that is kind of scary falling off a bike.


My nephew and his friends were riding a golf cart around the campground where he works in the summer (this is my other brother's son). Long story short, the cart flipped over and he has facial lacerations and banked up his ankles- he is on crutches, but lucky that was all the injuries- he will heal, but it kind of puts a damper on the rest of his summer.


one of the things I want to learn how to do is play golf, but my DH has no interest in it.

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I'll give him that pat on the back


He asked me tonight again, how many of those squares do you have to make- I said (for the umpteenth time) 9! Why can't they remember what we tell them???

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I am not a golfer. DH is an avid golfer. I always joke that we can't afford for 2 of us to golf. He doesn't like it when I say that. If I have 4 free hours I'd prefer to go for a 1 hour walk and crochet or sit for the other 3. :D


My mom got 7 stitches in and around her mouth, banged up her face and shoulder. However, nothing broken, nothing seriously injured. Thank goodness.

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I was so happy to hear that Mary made it safe and sound to her DS's. She must be on cloud 9..it's tough when your child lives so far away. At least my DD in Boston is only a 4 1/2 drive away not flight away!

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My sister lives in Oregon, so it is very far for my parents. I don't think they like that much, but they also encouraged us to go out and explore the world. It's tough.


Well, Joanne, LeaAnne, I had said I could only chat until 10:00 and it is 10:00. I hope the game continues to be a good one. I know one of you will be happy and the other not so happy, so I will just say I hope you both enjoy it.


Have a wonderful Friday night, a great Saturday (I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to pop in).


Good night.

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