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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Sweet dreams, Stacy!

I hope you and Jorge sleep well... when do you get to see that house? Is it in the same town? ...and the most important question: Will you move by September 1st? If so, ladies.... we better get crackin' to get our squares mailed in time!!!!:eek


And yes, share a pic of that 'ghan if you get a minute...

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We are looking to move by Sept. 1, yes. But we are having our mail forwarded to my IL's house when we get back from MI, so there shouldn't be a problem with the squares. :manyheart

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Yea, she's actually told me "not to worry" because I don't think I have much now but once I've been married as long as her, I will think I have too much. :think I didn't know I was worrying about that. :lol

Don't get me wrong- her heart is in the right place most of the time, it's just that her foot is usually in her mouth at the same time. :devil

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LeaAnne, I don't know what I'm making first. I may start on your flag square first. The tree skirt looks pretty simple, so I'll probably save that for last.

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LoL Mary! That is good! It's funny, I was texting with my aunt earlier and she made some comment about her daughter-in-law. I told her, "Don't be THAT mother-in-law!" :rofl

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I saw it and commented on it before I joined this group. It's so beautiful. I just don't know if I can pull it off. I hope I can find someone who knows the pattern well enough to help me. Hmmm.

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