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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I think Beth is working on a corner to corner now.


If you all decide to work on a corner to corner, maybe I could work on something else and just CAL. I have about 9 squares made for DD's birthday afghan so gotta get hopping on that. But then the never ending square came along and I want to finish that so I have something finished!!

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I was thinking of calling her, too... perhaps we could look her up in the directory or something. Heck, we have her address and all...

Maybe when I come home I will look into it, if we haven't heard by then.

It's too bad she hasn't been here, as Shannon was going to Tennessee, they might have been able to meet?

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Oh, LeaAnne that would be great- maybe if I had someone to show me, I could do this!!!! I'm going to be in Beantown Labor Day weekend and will probably stay a few days into the week. Even though DD is working, we'll still have the evenings and DH is going to be in GA anyway at a conference.

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:lol about the straight hair! 2 of my DD's ask for that all the time. I usually do theirs the old fashioned way, with my iron! It's much quicker, and then we only have to touch up the roots and bangs a little with the flattenning iron... MAN! those things take FOREVER!
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When I was a teenager, I used to iron my hair with a real iron- My DD's think that is so funny! We didn't have all the fancy hair contraptions they have nowadays


LeaAnne- I'm going to let you go and get some sleep- you have to be up really early tomorrow to hit the road- Enjoy the beach and especially enjoy Bruuuuuuce!!!!!!

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Coming up Saturday and probably leaving Wed or thur- it depends on how long DD will put up with me....I'll get in touch with her over the weekend and feel her out. I would so love to meet up with you!

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Thanks, Joanne!


Have a nice weekend with DH... I wish you lots of great :crocheting time, while you watch your Yankees!

I will be sure to say :hi to The Boss for you:lol. That will be fun!


Sweet dreams, bestie!


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Coming up Saturday and probably leaving Wed or thur- it depends on how long DD will put up with me....I'll get in touch with her over the weekend and feel her out. I would so love to meet up with you!


Me too! Keep me posted of your plans, and we'll figure out something! It would be cool to enjoy some coffee and :crocheting, In Real Life! I've been talking about you to DH all summer, telling him that you were coming...

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:hi, Stacy, Beth and Jenn!


Sorry we missed you girls tonight...


I hope you have a great weekend, and that none of you overdo it!


I'll be back Monday night-


(I miss my besties already :ghug)


I hope Colleen and Shannon are having super-fabulousness vacations, that Mary gets her schedule back, that Joanne has lots of relaxing time crocheting, and that Vicki and her DD have a nice last weekend before school starts!


Also in my thoughts are all of our DH's... I hope that they are all feeling good, and that they get great weekends, too:clap

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Good morning to all!

Fun chat last night! Raining here this morning. I've got lots of cleaning to do today so I think I'll get started on it. One benefit of rain- I am not tempted to go and sit outside. If I've got to be in, I may as well clean. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Vicki- I hope DH is feeling better today.

Mary- don't overdue it today and hope your internal clock is adjusting to the time changes and that you got a good night's sleep.


Beth- Looking forward to trying my new coffee this afternoon. I like plain ole bold coffee in the AM and in the PM I like trying flavored coffee. DH doesn't drink flavored coffee (yay- more for me)


Stacy- are you mostly all moved in? How is Jorge feeling?



Colleen, Shannon, LeaAnne- enjoy your weekends!!! Miss you guys!


Scooby- think of you often.


Jennifer- have a great weekend and hope that you get lots done on your wedding gifts!

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Good Morning Besties!

I am up and moving. DD has tae kwon do this morning and then we are supposed to meet my sister at the outlets to shop! I have chicken out defrosting for dinner. Otherwise, that is my day. Nothing else happening!

It was a great chat last night! I am so glad I finally remembered and joined it!

I hope everyone has a great day and safe travels to Leanne in the middle of the storm!

Talk to you all later!


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:hi everybody!


It looks like we'll be having a wet Saturday here, too. It isnt raining yet.


I want to encourage everyone who is interested in the corner-to-corner throw to give it a try! It's just chain stitches and double crochets. It's not difficult -- you do have to count all the way up to 6 at the beginning of each row, but if I take off my shoes, I can do it, so I'm sure you can to. :rofl. I finished row 75 yesterday. I need to get busy on it! I think it is a very easy afghan. There isn't a long beginning chain, which is still a challenge for me to do well. And the pattern is very simple, very easy to pick up.:crocheting


Vicki, I hope your DH Is doing better today. Is he a good patient?:fever


Joanne, I hope you like your :coffee. Imagine that I'm having a cup with you, OK?


LeaAnne, enjoy your weekend at the Cape. Even if it's rainy, with your bunch, I'll bet it will be so much fun. :manyheart


Colleen and Shannon, we miss you! Hope you are having a fun vacation, and get home safely.:hug


Jennifer, enjoy the process of making the wedding gifts! Will you post pictures when you are done?:photo


Mary, My dd saw a bald eagle yesterday. Somehow, that made me think of you. I hope you get back on schedule from the time change.:hug


Stacy, I promise I'll mail your package today. I remembered it as I was driving past the post office yesterday... :blush didn't do much good then. How is the new place? How are your daughters adjusting? Does Jorge feel any better?


Scooby, wishing you nothing but the best.


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I got great mail today- Vicki's square came!!!! I love it- thank you so much!!! I also love mint choc chip ice cream!!! And what is up with the Yankees today? They are losing 7-0! LeaAnne must have put a curse on the Yanks after last night!


Everyone's squares are so nice- I can't wait till they are all put together and we see how each of us arranges ours!


Didn't get the squares washed today- I had to go get another lingerie bag which I did today. It is on the agenda for tomorrow! Dinner is on, groceries put away- and I am watching the Yankees and then will be watching my favorite NY Giants tonight!!!


Hope everyone is having a good day!. I see Hurricane Bill is making its way up the coastline and going to be causing riptides - be careful LeaAnne! Also saw it is trekking to Nova Scotia. Is that where your DD is Mary?

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Joanne-I would post pictures, however my camera broke! A little incident involving sweaty hands, humidity, and a floor insured that my camera is beyond redemetion...at least until I can afford to fix it.


To everyone else: It is my deep honor to present: The laugh of the week! *cues background music* Let me set the scence:


Its late Saturday night, we have just finished watching half of the Sound of Music as a family. We all know its one of the last nights we will have as a family. On Monday, I start school. On Tuesday, my parents leave in the car very early in the morning bound for NC where my sister is attending college. Our parents bid us goodnight, leaving me and my sister alone to close up the house and to turn off the lights. As my sister and I talk, my sisters scoops done smoothly. Thinking she is picking up a piece of trash I think nothing of it until suddenly I'm beamed by a dodgeball that is one of large dog's toys. Laugh, I call her a little brat and grab up the nearby dog rope to throw it back. I do so, and miss as usual. But oh wait, what's this?!?! A pillow that I used to put my head on while watching the movie! I can't resist. I immediatly inatiate pillow fight mode. My poor deflenless sister laughs histarcially while trying to defend herself verbally with the fact our beloved parents are trying to go to sleep. Knowing that they are still in the bathroom, I reply that their not in bed yet and hit her one more time before calling a cease fire. My sister then breaks for the back of the couch, climbing ontop the forementioned piece of furniture to try to regain the dog toy supposedly so the 80 lb mut can have it in the morning. I know better, and simply smile while holding my pillow close waiting seemingly with no intention to hit her. When she turns to bend over to reach behind the couch, I can't resist her backend presenting too tempting a target. Immediatly the flip flops are off as my sister attempts to defend herself. I back off simply smiling while attempting to look innocent and failing. She bends again. I repeat the earlier process. She gestures with the flip flops and comes running towards me. I in turn collapse into helpless laughter, a dangerous thing when I can hardly breath due to a summer cold. Using the laughter as a distraction, she grabs the dodgeball and makes it to the middle of the living room where we circle each other...laugh histarcially. Meanwhile, we have attracted certain unwanted attention from no other then...our parents. Our father comes in and asks what is going on. Of course we give him the universal answer of all children who just barely managed to being escaped from being caught in the act of doing something they know they shouldn't do. "NNNNNNoooothiiiinng," while trying not to giggle and failing miserably. Putting two and two togther he demands the dodgeball, and pillow. Looking at the other sibling waringly we were not about to surrender are only means of defense. Failing in his first attempt, he extracts a promise from us not to break anything and leaves. As soon as he is out the door, we break into mad fits of laughter, bring him back. By now, our mother has heard what is going on and asks what's so funny. Same answer as before. We are no instructed to go to bed. We do, trying not to laugh as we climb up the stairs before our father. My sister makes up the stairs before me and brings the dodgeball into view. I raise my pillow to block the blow but our father is quicker. He grabs my pillow and the dodgeball before we can even react. He then proceeds to give the dodgeball to our mother and our parents exchange a mischevious look. Knowing what is coming, we both make a break for it to my room. I close my door but when attempting to close it against my sister's enterance, thus ensuring she alone is left to our parents mercy, I slip and land on my side. Laughing, and saying ouch rather loudly my sister makes in and manages to close the door. By this point, the soreness of my own behind and arm has set in and I say the obvivous again..."Ouch, that hurt." Our parents concerned our let in, and are assured that we are both alright before we are each hit once with a dodgeball and the pillow. Then we are instructed to go to bed. This time we listen. But we still can't resist one last laugh....


I hope you found this little tidbit of my life as hilarious as I did. May it bring tears of joy to your eyes and laughter into your life. The lesson of the story.....never, never, ever, ever let go of your pillow!

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Good morning all!

Jennifer- loved your story- and Good luck with school on Monday and safe travels to your parents and sis as they head to NC. Where in NC does your sis go to school?


Vicki- I had some of the yummy coffee early last evening- and thought of you the whole time I was savoring it! Thank you! And speaking of mint choc chip, when I was in the grocery store, I see that Breyers has now come out with mint choc chip yogurt. I was so tempted! I love yogurt, but resisted since it wasn't on sale. But I'll be watching for it to go on sale so I can try it. Wow the Yankees really blew it yesterday. Today's game should be a pitcher's duel with each pitcher going for their 15th win. Should be a good one. May the "Bronx Bombers" prevail!!! How is DH feeling?


I was switching channels last night when the NY Giants were in the process of losing their pre-season game and came upon the Nascar race in TN- Immediately thought of Shannon and was hoping they would show some pics of the fans- but all they showed was the cars going round and round the track. Nascar is one sportI just don't get- I guess maybe it is better in person? Anyway, hope Shannon had fun and safe trip home.


Beth- Another lousy weather day here in NJ- how bout in VA? Don't the weather gods know that this is the weekend? BTW, like your new avatar. You are on quite a kick with the avatar switching! I was wondering how it works when you homeschool- do you have a set day when school starts? Everyone is busy talking about back to school and I always wondered about that.


Stacy ---hope things are settling in for you in your new home and that Jorge is feeling better each day.


Mary- Hope you didn't overdue yesterday. Are you beginning to re-adjust to the time zone I thought of you last evening, when I went to bring the garbage out I opened the door and lo and behold their was a skunk across the street! Wow- did he travel al the way from Ontario? Needless to say, I quickly put the garbage in the trash can and promptly went inside.


Colleen-hope you are enjoying the beach with the family!!


LeaAnne- will be thinking of you tonight rocking out to Bruce!!!


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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