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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Thanks LeaAnne!


WIMs: (5-2 now, BTW)

pillows for cousin

wool-eater afghan

the cardi that Stacy shared

hats for charity

...and on and on and on


Stacy- Doesn't your house look even better with your stuff in it???

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I'm afraid mine will fall apart too. When I washed my Gram's prayer shawl, some of the ends came out. Is that normal? I had used Homespun.

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:hi Joanne! :hi Shannon! :hi Leanne!


The party was okay. We left a little early and Jorge's parents are going to bring the girls home because they weren't ready to leave. We were tired, though, and just wanted to rest.

We didn't get anything else moved today. I am supposed to pack up most of what is left tomorrow and Tuesday and we are going to take it Tuesday night after karate. Then I will have all of Wednesday to get packed. LoL


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Stacy, you're going to feel so much better after you get back that this is all done! This has happened so fast for you!

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That's a pretty good list, Shannon!

You could do what I do and start like.... ALL of them!:lol I'm kidding.

it is good though, to sometimes have more than 1 project going, then you can take a break of 1 and work on another.


...and :yes it is normal for edges to fall apart on Homespun. I still can't :crocheting that stuff... :shrug:think

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I'm always afraid to wash my projects, too! I washed something once and the ends all came undone. :think


How's the game going?

:eekOh no, I will cry if that happens when I wash the bestie squares


Game is going great for me...not so great for LeaAnne..and I'm not sure who Shannon is rooting for....she is probably being kind and not taking sides.

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:whewI'm glad it's not just me. I wish I could start different projects, but I don't think I could do it. I'm a one-at-a-time kind of girl!

I did find a turkey square that I like for a pillow, but I haven't read through the pattern yet.

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Joanne - tell DD I share her sentiments... we may have to concede that it might finally be the Yankees year :ohdear:(


Stacy - You are going to be all moved before you go? HOLY MOLY, girl! Give Jorge a hug... he needs one!... then tell him we said you need one too!

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That's a good idea LeaAnne to use a lingerie bag- I think I will do that- I'm not going to wash them until I get back from Baltimore, because if anything happens to them, I will not have a good time....

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Actually I've grown up being a Yankees fan, with my parents being from NY and all. I usually don't start watching until the playoffs though. Football though, is another story! I love football! In fact, I had a dream last night that Brett Favre gave me his autograph. I love Brett Favre!

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Just make sure they are tied off well, and the ends are tucked in, and you shouldn't have a problem. ...and I don't blame you for waiting!


Stacy - I forgot to mention earlier how pretty that cardigan is tha tyou are making... what color will it be?

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Sorry LeaAnne. I'm computer-stupid and don't know how to do links. I'll find it and let you know where you can see it.

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We're not going to be completely moved before we leave. We are aiming for the weekend that we come back, getting everything else finished. I'm going to need at least a week to clean this place up, although the manager said the "life expectancy" on the paint and carpet is 5 years. We've been here 5-1/2.


Shannon...maybe you haven't been crocheting long enough to have multiple projects going at once. :lol I always swore I would do one at a time, and it worked for a while. Then another one caught my eye, and I started it to break up the monotony...then another, and another....:devil

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You guys amaze me with your sports-minded-ness. Dh is a huge football fan, but I just cannot get into them at all. :shrug


The cardigan is super-easy! I started it two nights ago and am already half-way down the back. It is going to be a earthy green color...it will probably look good with my red hair. :devil LoL I haven't even started the sleeves but it forms a sort-of cap-sleeve right from the start and I might just keep it like that.

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