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Freeing Exercise

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We are getting ready to move into our first house. (Yay, we are homeowners!:clap) And, in preparation, I have been cleaning out and sorting through everything from clothes to yarn.


I feel so free now that I have cut my yarn stash down by about half to 2 3-drawer carts (12x14 inches large, then 10 inchs deep.) plus one XL Ziplock bag containing Caron Pounders and Loops & Threads.


I only have yarn now that I can actually SEE myself using and now that i've been crocheting for a while now, I know what my prefered brands are as well the the types of objects I like to make, thus making it easier to determine what yarn to keep.


I no longer feel encombered by a mountain of yarn that I don't know what I will ever make into.


Has anyone else had this freeing experience or am I nuts to have gotten rid of 2 kitchen garbage bags of yarn?




By the way....I dontated the "surplus" yarn to the local elderly assistated living center.

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Congratulation on the house purchase!


I can totally understand why you did it and how freeing it feels. I had inherited at one point 5 outdoor garbage pails filled with yarn. A lot of the yarn was very old, poor quality and not the yarn I would prefer to use for the projects I enjoy doing. I struggled for a long time trying to use it, and recently got to the point where I just had to let it all go. I sold as much as I could at a yard sale and then whatever was left I donated to a senior center. It really lifted a great burden off of me, know I can actually work on projects that I enjoy doing and I am sure my family and friends will appreciate not getting yet another scrap blanket made out of itchy old yarn. :)

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I have been doing the same thing to my whole house since just before the beginning of this year. The more stuff I give away, the more stuff I want to give away! I'm yearning for the simplicity of having only things that I use and love. I have not tackled my yarn yet, but that is on the list soon.


You are right that it is such a freeing feeling. Like weight is being lifted away. And, of course, when things are given to people that need or appreciate them, it is extra-good. I bet the people at the elderly assisted living center were very happy to get your yarn! :yes

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*CONGRATS!* on your new house~WOOHOOO! I did go through and get rid of some yarn~mine is kept in two plastic totes. One is just skeins of yarn, the other is bagged up, started-but-unfinished projects~OY! OH~and a tote bag of cotton. I'm busy crocheting dishcloths through the cotton and started crocheting hats through the other. I just can't house it all~though I still desperately want to! LOVE how you shared yours~what a blessing!!!!


Can't wait to hear how you're enjoying your new house~you'll hafta update us! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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