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Which to Buy - please help me decide!


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Crochet Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden




Complete Book of Crochet Stitch Designs by Linda P. Schapper


Both seem to have very good reviews - the CSB is spiral bound which I love and it's less expensive, but the CBCSD appears to have many more stitches in it (will I ever use them all?)


both would be on back order of about 2 weeks.


Can't justify buying both - it's got to be one or the other; so I'd welcome opinions:)

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I am not familiar with either one, however my advice would be whichever one gave the most detailed pictures. I have a stitcher technique book with soft cover. But I can't tell you the title or the author because a friend borrowed it. It has color photos and detailed instructions along with patterns. Hope that helps a little. :hook Just googled and found a website that offers a preview, www.powells.com then type in the titles. Looks like the stitch bible offers more color and instruction.

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I am not familiar with either one, however my advice would be whichever one gave the most detailed pictures. I have a stitcher technique book with soft cover. But I can't tell you the title or the author because a friend borrowed it. It has color photos and detailed instructions along with patterns. Hope that helps a little. :hook


Trouble is, I have no opportunity to look at the books before ordering - not even the two largest book stores locally (WHSmith & Waterstones) have anything much on their shelves - I have to rely on online buying.


Just to give an example of the lack of awareness of crafts hereabouts - I had to explain to a knitting/yarn/pattern shop owner what Tunisian crochet is:rolleyes

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What about checking them both out of the local library and deciding what one you like best?


I do that all the time. This way, I know exactly which one I will use the most and buy the right one.


Our library is in a group, and if they don't have the book I'm looking for, sometimes, you can get it from another library.



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If you can only get one such book, hold out for "The Complete PhotoGuide to Crochet" by Margaret Hubert. Excellent with both pictures and diagrams. 270 full sized pages. I personally don't care for the stitch bible. Don't know about the other one.

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