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I have fallen in love with......

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:manyheartBAMBOO HOOKS!:manyheart


My new Crochet friend sue and I finally got together 2nd time after we met for our first crochet meet almost a month ago. for 2 weeks we couldn't get together because one week she was sick.. then i ended up sick the next. and so last week her and i met for coffee and she wanted me to show her how to do a ripple.. as she was having a hard time.


but she had suprise for me and it was a Dangle bamboo hook!.. im IN LOVE :manyheart.... It's so smooth and feels so nice in my hand... I love it so much I went to eknittingneedles.com and bought me 3 regular bamboo hooks. (and 3 for her :;)) Now next month Im buying a Tunisian Dangle hook i found on ebay. or mabey a entire set of bamboo hooks!!!

They r simply The best hooks She also gave me the cutest lil hook tip things shpe like booties... it comes in handy when im doing my tunisian with my new bamboo hook. i can snap it on my tip an i dont have to worrie bout stiches slipping off my hook!


just had to share. It's one of my fav hooks next to the 3 bamboo handle alum tip one's shana gave me for the color swap!!


Then I finaly got to putting a Crochet club add up on our freecycle and got 3 responses so we will be having our first Meet as a group sometime next week!!!!

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This is the way I feel about my Jimbo hooks! Two C'ville members gifted me with Jimbo hooks about a year ago, and I just love them so much! I finally asked Jimbo to make a hook in size N just for me to use on the shawls each month, and then DH told me to bid as high as I had to in order to win the gabon ebony hook that Jimbo just auctioned off as my Valentine's gift! I won the hook and received it yesterday, and it's just GORGEOUS!!!! I now have Jimbo hooks in size H, I, N and K! I NEVER thought I would have that many, but I now have them in each of the sizes that I use the most!


Enjoy your bamboo hooks! Once you find the hook that you consider to be "your" hook, it's so much more enjoyable working on projects!

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I'd like to give a shout out to ekniitingneedles.com. I had tried Bates bamboo hooks and didn't love them---or their price. Bought set of 12 from this website at a great price along with a set of 12 Tunisian hooks. Love them. There was a problem with the order which they corrected promptly and generously. Impressed with service and quality and pricing. Give them a try!

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Awww, so glad you still like the ones I gave you! I also am happy that you found a new crochet friend and that you have an awesome new hook!!


Of COURSE i love the hooks you gave me :). made me a carry case for all my hooks 2 LOL!. now they can sleep all cozy in there new soft home lol.


I been using one of the hooks you gave me for my ATW afghan squares, it's and i used one of the biggest one's to make mom's Shawl,


but yes Eknittingneedls.com is awsome and they are very afordable!.. i'm gonna have to change my ROAK wishlist LOL!.


Someone said they are not good enough yet for bamoo.. YOUR always good enough for bamboo.. you will see how much easier it is and nicer with one.. so nice an smooth!!!

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