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eBay anyone?


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You ever bid on something you really wish you wouldn't have?

I did that this weekend. I'm not sure WHAT I was thinking? I really don't need this much yarn and most of the colors are rather lack-luster. see.

So, if I win this bid -- anyone interested in some of this yarn?!? LOL

OR if anyone is dying to have this stuff....go bid over $7 and it's yours!!!

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I actually have done that several times. At least the going price is low right now and it still has 2 days left, so there's a good chance someone else will bid. Have you ever accidentally entered the wrong bid (meaning, way too much)? I did that just recently, but luckily it turned out OK. Could have been bad. I'm trying to stay away from ebay for a while. :eek

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I'm trying to stay away from ebay for a while. :eek


I was too!! I stayed away for a LONG time (for me...LOL) I'm not sure what happened - honestly! I think I worked WAY too many hours last week and eBay got the best of me.

Thanks for giving me a little pep talk! :hug I needed it. :D

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I have moments of eBay-weakness where I bid on too many auctions and then shake my head afterwards wondering what I was thinking. The good thing is that yarn is almost never a total waste. There's always something you can do with it, even if you end up using it to make charity projects or donating the yarn itself to charity.


And yes. That theory that yarn is never a total waste does get me into considerable trouble (she says, surrounded by piles of yarn ...).

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:blush I'm grounding myself from eBay for a while. :( I spent WAY :eek too much recently trying to find a pattern from an old copy of Crochet World, but the upside is I have some really neat old books to browse. Maybe KittyLou and I can form a support group? :devil




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Maybe KittyLou and I can form a support group? :devil


I definitely need a support group! I'll be doing great, not looking at ebay for weeks, and then I'll decide I need to look for something specific, and the next thing you know I'm bidding on 5 auctions! I just recently bought a bunch of patterns and when I got them in the mail, I thought "what the heck was I thinking? I don't need these." It's a sickness!!:sick

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More times than I would like to admit, I have placed a bid and almost immediately prayed that someone would outbid me. So far I've been lucky.


Losingmymind2, what pattern/issue of Crochet World were you looking for? I don't have many recent ones, mostly older (much older) ones.

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:hook I Know I cant wait for it to come. She emailed me and said she should be having more yarn lots like that back on ebay soon. I will let everyone know when she puts them on she has some good bargins.
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I've gotten a couple of great deals on yarn lots off eBay too. You just have to watch the shipping prices carefully; what looks like a great deal can have a $20 shipping price added on and suddenly be more than you would have paid for if you'd just gone to WalMart or Michael's to buy the yarn. I saw a lot of Simply Soft in a currently available color go for almost $3 a skein the other day after shipping was added; my WalMart has it for $1.97, and you can get it online for even less. Somebody got carried away, or didn't check shipping, and paid too much.


As for the bidding itself, I use a snipe program so I can change my mind up to literally the last minute. I know sellers (and eBay) hate snipers, but I adore mine. I've gotten caught in a bidding war before and it's baaaaaad bad bad, you end up spending more than you wanted and often more than the item is really worth. This way you don't bid the item up before the end of the bidding period, and if the price at the end of the auction is more than you put in, the program just doesn't bid. Since I have been known to have subzero self control, that's a Good Thing :D

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well, the auction is over and I won. I also bid on 10 doily (thread) pattern books she had from the 60's - just to feel like I really GOT something if I wasn't crazy about the yarn. Total, with shipping, is $20.73

we'll see how it turns out. I'm not disappointed, I just wish I would've gotten yarn for an afghan for my Best Friend in MN -- I REALLY NEED TO DO THAT!!! I'll stop at WalMart this weekend OR where can I get cheap Simply Soft online, Lani!?!?!?!? PLEASE tell me. I've had the worst luck going to LYS and they never have enough skeins of the right color combo I'm looking for.

And I think hubby will sh*t when he sees a box of "eBay yarn" at the doorstep!



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