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Anyone feel others think crochet comes in second to knitting?

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The shop owners snub crocheters and have even refused to sell them yarn saying THEIR yarn is for knitting only, then redirecting them to craft stores like Michaels and Joanns. Erm, that's just dumb and could be one of the reasons yarns shops can't stay in business.


This is SO true! What do they care what we're using the yarn for, as long as we're giving them $$$ for it??? Yarn shops need to ENCOURAGE crocheters, seeing as we use so much more yarn. :crocheting



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The LYS by me is anti crocheting also. Funny thing is that crocheting uses more yarn than knitting. You would think they would welcome us with open arms. Maybe one day I will walk in there and tell them.


I am very lucky, I found a local group of knitters and crocheters that meet every Sat afternoon, both crafts are welcome, many of them do both. A couple of the knitters are a little bit of a yarn snob, but the majority are wonderful. :hook

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Methinks it is the zealotry of the new initiates, all those who learned to knit from Debbie Stoller's books. I'm not blaming her, of course, just pointing out that there's nothing like a new convert to be intolerant of anyone else. Those of us who learned from our mothers, grandmothers, or aunts as children rarely seem to see this as an either/or choice, but for what it really is: which is better for the project in mind.


I agree completely with CLLinda, who put it far more elegantly that I could.



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Most of those I know, or have heard discuss their preference have said they prefer crochet over knitting, among some of the reasons crochet won out was the speed with which a project can be completed. I suppose there are some things than can only be done by knitting, but that same argument can be said about crochet, and I think if an honest comparison could be performed, as to which discipline had the larger advantage of things that can only be done by one craft, I think crochet will come out the winner.


What bothers me much more are the yarn sellers who treat crocheters like Redheaded Stepchildren. I received an e-ad today from a company with whom I have spent money, offering a sale and when I entered crochet as a preference their great sale only offered one rather tired looking kit.


There are other companies some of whom sell some very pretty string, that they charge a pretty price for, where one is hard-pressed to find the word crochet anywhere in their product line. Being the old curmudgeon I am these companies get an email from me telling me of my disappointment. You would think since crocheters use more yarn per project we ought to get preferred treatment.

John Hablinski, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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