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crochet literacy???

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Hey im new to the site and i love crocheting. I have an English paper that im writing about a community i would like to join and of course i chose the crochet business. My question is what are some crochet literaces that are required to join the community??


if anyone can help ill appreciate it

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Some knowledge or a interest in learning the art of crocheting can help you better to understand what makes Crochetville the place to be and how we learn from each other. You can join any community not only learning from others but, making new friends too. Welcome to Crochetville.

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This community is qutie unique, in that nothing is required to join. You don't even have to wait for an invitation to join. We have several on here including my DH who do not crochet, but like seeing what others make. Sometimes, eventually, they do learn to crochet.

We have crocheters on here from very very novice crocheters, to experienced. We have designers and shop owners.

We are here to teach and to learn and to just enjoy the craft. Everyone has their own unique talent and we all benifit from it.

THis is my thought on Crochetville. it is a fun place and a place where people are here for you no matter what. It is, in my opinion a fun place to come.:hook

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I have to say that I agree with the others. Once an individual finds Crochetville, there are no invitations nor requirements to join. There are even lots of people who aren't members who just lurk around to see what is going on, and a lot of times they eventually join stating the fact that they lurked here a long time before joining.

There's such a vast range of skill levels here that is just amazing. Although I have been crocheting for approximately 30 yrs I find myself learning something new almost on a daily basis, sometimes from the very very novice crocheters and sometimes from the very experienced.

I also like the fact that this community also realizes that we have and enjoy other hobbies besides crocheting like reading, cooking, other crafts, games, pets, and the list goes on. All these other hobbies have been incorporated into the community which makes it fun for all of us, including those who don't crochet.

I love the fact that this community comes together as a whole and works together as a team on charity projects whether it be for certain organizations or for a member who has family or friends in need of a comfortghan. For those members who don't crochet, they also have opportunities to give/donate to the charities as there are charities who take sewn or knitted items as well as store bought items. Non-crocheters can also donate yarn to some of the charities especially those charities that collect squares but need yarn for joining those squares together. So there are always activities that non-crocheters can become actively involved in here too. It is great to be able to work together like this and have a choice of what type of charities you would like to donate too.

I think my most favorite aspect of this community is the special bonds and friendships that are formed here. I have made some awesome friends here. Last month I finally met a very dear friend in person. She and I started corresponding with each other here on the ville shortly after I joined and we became pen pals which turned into IMing on yahoo, then telephone calls daily and finally meeting in person. Here is the link to our post to meeting. http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=106032&highlight=met

So, I would have to say there are no crochet literacies that one MUST have to join this community. All an individual needs is the desire to be a part of our community, regardless of whether you crochet or not. :welcometo the Ville and I know you will enjoy it and have a blast like the rest of us!!!!!

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:welcome That is the most important word here. Everyone receives a warm welcome. The only requirement for joining is a desire to do so. I guess we also figure you at least have an interest in :crocheting, otherwise why would you be here?


While crochet is what brings us together, we stay because of the friendliness and kindness of other members. I have joined other sites and not gone back because there was no sense of "togetherness". What is, I think, unique about this site is that you will find such an incredible variety of people from all over the world! We have doctors, lawyers -- do we have any Indian Chiefs?... Men, women, straight, gay, single moms, grandmas.... Any subgroup, in any culture, is probably represented here! And we all come together in friendship, regardless of where we come from or who we are.

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