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2 1/2" squares For A ghan for my mom


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Not sure how this works... or if this is in the rite spot.. but,



EDIT: im changing it to 2 1/2" squares.. I figued out that for what i want to do a 6" will not work.


I'd like to make a afghan for my mom... To show her how much she means tome.. and how much i apreciate everything she has done for me the past 3 yrs since we moved to ga. without getting into it.. My family has been thru a very rough road ever since we moved to ga.. it's been one thing after another. one Major family event after another.. and just when the dH n i finaly think we have overcome it.. something else happens. and thru all this my mom has been there for us... Watching kids, advocating for us, lending me money when i needed it that day, She is no spring chicken, she has a hard time keeping up with the kids but she stuck it out and watched them for me while i worked and hubby was away trying to sort out his prolbem with his ex wife. even thou she phyiscaly could not watch them. she did it with no complaint.


So i'd like to put a Comfortghan together for her...

I"d have a idea in my head.. she loves elvis.. so i'm thinking of making a full size bed Quiltstyle afghan. that spells out elvis. THe word ELvise in black. with tan or goldish /white/grey background.

If anyone is wiling to help I'd apreciate it. her birthday is in JAn so i figured I'd make it a bday gift. christmas seems to soon for this.


I'm going to get my graph pper out and figure how many of each id need. Unless someone else is good at that.. 2 1/2" squares. In the colors black/white/grey/tan or goldish


I was thinking it lengthwise... Spelling out Elvis then the background could be mxture of the other colors and i'd put a solid black or white boarder on it.. and I'd be sure to let her know who all contributed to it..

She'd love it so much. and if you wanted to put a small note of happy birthday in it for her..


This would mean alot to me and her if you'r willing to do it. I thank you all in advance. and if anyone wants to help with putting the design togher i have in my head I'd love that as well.

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I would like to help, too. I have plenty of black and tan yarn. What would be a good hook size for this? I may try a few using G, H and I to see how close I can get to 2.5 inches. Please PM your address and I will make up a batch.


Just a suggestion, you may want to change the title of your post to indicate saltines or 2.5 inch squares.

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I would like to help, too. I have plenty of black and tan yarn. What would be a good hook size for this? I may try a few using G, H and I to see how close I can get to 2.5 inches. Please PM your address and I will make up a batch.


Just a suggestion, you may want to change the title of your post to indicate saltines or 2.5 inch squares.



thank u I'll pm the addy to u 2.. how do i change the title?


I am making this massive afghan rite now the one in my siggy and im using a size G.


They are 2 1/2 inch Squares... and they come out pretty good....


Im thinking Elvis is going to B spelled out in all black... Then I'll work out the background in the other colors..... I have some squares together for the ATW afghan im working on. Im going to spead them out over my DD's bed she has the same size bed as grammy.. this will hopefuly give me a rough idea of how many squares will do fora full...


1073 is what the ATW afghan calls for and that is Queen size.. so who knows how many for a regular bed

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when you say goldish what do you mean? gold or more to a yellow? I'm sending some to you on Monday. the tan is called buff in rh yarn please let me know if these colors are ok, I'll then send more.

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when you say goldish what do you mean? gold or more to a yellow? I'm sending some to you on Monday. the tan is called buff in rh yarn please let me know if these colors are ok, I'll then send more.



yea goldish gold or yelloish it don't matter. I'll construct the bg around the word elvis with what i get and what i'm able tomake from what is left out of the yarn i have for this ATW afghan.


Do you need my addy or have you gotten it from one of the others >? lemme know if you need it.. I apreciate it.. mom will be so excited..

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sent you some squares today.



Thank you very much granny!. I apreciate it much.


lol My mom must be reading my mind from 20 or so miles away lol... she was asking me last night how my ATW ghan was comming.. and i said fine... she then commented.. Ohhh I'd love to have a new quilted afghan but Yourrrrr proly to busy... In a teasing tone... LOL i just said "OH we will see what i have time for ma." lol..;).


Thank you again for those who have offerd to send the squars so far.

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You should sew your saltines together as you go. :yes There is a CAL for Happy Yellow House patterns. :D We are friendly over there.


I am still in the middle of making all the squares I offered. You are next on the list. :D



and where might one FIND this Cal lol ;).


Yea i know i should sew them as i go but I take a skane of whatever color im on with me when i go out in the car as a passanger n just work on them.. I dun wanna carry a few hundred squares with me LOL.


I'm making progress I did close to 60 or more today alone. well Link me to this Cal and I'll hop on over there


and TY so much for the squares ;).. lol Mom is gonna be excited. Now that I"m working on weekens and She's babysittin.> I'll have to HIDE my WOrk when i get them lol. and i def can't do any joining of Hers on weekends!

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Still looking for 2 1/2" saltine granny squares if anyone else wants to contribute to this Ghan for my mom. The colors im making it are black (for the word Elvis) white and tan and or goldish color. I"m going to try to have t done for her birthday in jan.

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