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my local yarn store

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I have a small yarn store in my town. They don't always have everything I need but I like having them close by. About a year ago the owner would allow me to sell some of my crochet there. I never brought more than a couple of things. Last week I got a call to pick up my stuff because she wasn't going to allow anybody to sell from her store anymore. I never got an explanation even though I asked for one. Why would a store owner want to do that? It wasn't just me, there were other ladies that sold things in her store too and are now not allowed to. I am not mad at the owner, just a little confused.

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There could be many reasons, but it would have been nice if she would have told you. Maybe she needs the space now, or the bookeeping is not what she wanted to handle, maybe the items she is getting aren't selling. I'm sure it has nothing to do with you. Maybe you could find somewhere else to sell things on consignment. Don't take it personally. :hug

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I'm sure it has nothing to do with you. Maybe you could find somewhere else to sell things on consignment. Don't take it personally. :hug

Thanks. I am not taking it personally since she isn't letting anyone sell there anymore. I am just upset that I couldn't get a reason why she made this change. I am considering other options about selling my crochet. It really isn't that big of a deal because I only took about 6 items in to begin with. I may just save them for gifts as I need them if I can't sell them. Some of the sellers had a lot more items there than I did. I would like to get together with them to hear some of their ideas about what they are doing with their items. I understand that options are always available. I just hope in time she can give me a reason.

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The reasons involved could mean divulging information about her business that she'd rather keep private. For example, perhaps she was having a problem with consigned items being shoplifted. Perhaps the volume of consigned items required the time of another employee, and the profit she receives from selling those items isn't enough to cover that employee's payroll expenses for work related to processing consignments. Perhaps the items she sells directly have a higher profit margin, and she'd just rather her store customers purchase those items instead of consigned items.


From a business perspective, it may be better from her end for her not to provide details about why she made the decision. I know you're curious (and I would be, too), but knowledge of the "whys" behind the decision doesn't really affect consignors in any way.

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I just thought of another reason: the space the consigned items are taking up in the shop. Perhaps she wants to bring in other items (yarn, etc.) that she thinks will have a higher turnover rate and profit margin for her.

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