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What Kind of fur can you spin?

Mom w/a Motif

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I know someone who was going to try and spin her dogs' fur to make yarn with. Has anyone ever heard of or tried it? My dog is shedding so much right now, I could make at least one skein! :lol (Except I've never spun before...) ;)



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You can definitely spin dog fur - the longer fur is a lot easier than the short fur. Crochet! had an article on it a few issues back. You'll want to remove the stiffer guard hairs, but the rest will certainly spin up beautifully. Note that dog fur is apparently SUPER warm. Almost too warm for sweaters.


Also, I have heard that it is easier to spin fur that has been brushed out rather than clippings, but it can be done either way.

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My (mostly maine coon looking mixed breed) cat sheds so much, all my black clothes kinda look like "fun fur yarn" now. (I've given up on buying black clothes, yarn, furniture, etc... all together.) Maybe I can put the tons of disgarded shedding to good use. ^_^

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I'm going to be delving into dog hair soon.

My cousin's Golden Retriever has cancer and doesn't have much time left. She's been saving his fur from brushing, I'm going to attempt to spin it and crochet her some kind of keepsake (depends on how much we end up with)



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