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o boy they are hard to find i got mine from a craft shop on a crafting trip with friends lucky me they were on clearence there was 6 but had seen them since was looking for the large ones but got small and medium ones if you found any let me know too please still looking for the large ones




I really don't remember where I found this one so I will guess and say Ebay. There is another site I recently found, joggles.com that has exceptional handles.
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forgot to thanks you for telling the pattern place makes sense duh lets see how many of those fat bottoms did do without realizing use that pattern o 20 or so lol thank you for hitting in the head lol so i'm a little slow what is that saying "you can see the forest for the trees" "plain as day for the nose on your face" lol thank you






I really don't remember where I found this one so I will guess and say Ebay. There is another site I recently found, joggles.com that has exceptional handles.
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I really don't remember where I found this one so I will guess and say Ebay. There is another site I recently found, joggles.com that has exceptional handles.



Thank you for the information. I will check it out.

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